
Change Facebook's Theme, Colors & Appearance

Open Facebook. Click on the Extensions option in Google Chrome. Click on the Stylus extension. Change Facebook theme. Click on Find Styles in the the ...

Google Chrome

Check out “Explore,” Lynne's new #Chrome theme from the Native American Artists Series: goo.gle/3LCnXLx. Demir Fatma and ...

How To Change Facebook's Default Theme To Any Color ...

2018年4月17日 — We are going to share an interesting trick on changing your Facebook default theme. You just need a Google Chrome extension.

My theme for facebook™

The extension allows you to set a background image, as well as change the color of the header text and of Facebook. My theme for Facebook™ also includes an ...

Themes & old version (layout) for Facebook for Google Chrome

2023年12月7日 — We've created a new way to customize the Facebook page. Now you can change the background, add a new layout, and even add themes!

Themes for Facebook

2023年12月18日 — Our extension empowers you to select from a wide array of fonts and colors, allowing you to curate your very own personalized Facebook style.


OpenFacebook.ClickontheExtensionsoptioninGoogleChrome.ClickontheStylusextension.ChangeFacebooktheme.ClickonFindStylesinthethe ...,Checkout“Explore,”Lynne'snew#ChromethemefromtheNativeAmericanArtistsSeries:goo.gle/3LCnXLx.DemirFatmaand ...,2018年4月17日—WearegoingtoshareaninterestingtrickonchangingyourFacebookdefaulttheme.YoujustneedaGoogleChromeextension.,Theextensionallowsyoutosetabackgroundi...