

Important Notes • Older D-Link cameras (DCS-xxxL and DCS-xxxxL) can still be used with the new mydlink app, but advanced functionality such as Cloud ...

mydlink App

Now, you can manage your mydlink cameras, smart plugs, and sensors right from your smartphone or tablet. And, it works with the Google Assistant and Alexa. It's ...

mydlink app

mydlink ip cam, IoT,Smart Plug ... D-Link 推出全新的mydlink app,可支援線上攝影機監看,也將針對DCS-8000LH/DCS-8100LH 推出雲端錄影功能,未來將支援更多智慧家庭應用 ...

mydlink Smart

The mydlink Smart skill allows you to use Alexa to control mydlink Smart Home devices hands-free with voice commands. If you have an Alexa-enabled mydlink ...

mydlink Smart Home automation

The free mydlink™ app takes you to the heart of your smart home. Now you can easily control, monitor, and automate every smart home device, wherever you are.


Smart Home. 機型. 機型, DCS-1130L, DCS-2132L, DCS-2132LB1, DCS-2136L, DCS-2210L, DCS ... 5.mydlink Home 和mydlink Baby Monitor 服務終止. 6.我要如何註冊D-Link 帳戶 ...


有鑑於此,我們讓新的mydlink App 變得更聰明、更簡單、更相容。現在,您可以直接使用智慧型手機或平板,在同一個地方管理您的mydlink 攝影機、智慧雲插座及感測器。

讓家更有智慧| D

有了Google Assistant 或Alexa,動動口就能聲控來執行吃力的工作。mydlink 現在整合了最夯的智慧家庭語音系統,讓您用聲音,就能開啟電燈、電扇及其他電器。


ImportantNotes•OlderD-Linkcameras(DCS-xxxLandDCS-xxxxL)canstillbeusedwiththenewmydlinkapp,butadvancedfunctionalitysuchasCloud ...,Now,youcanmanageyourmydlinkcameras,smartplugs,andsensorsrightfromyoursmartphoneortablet.And,itworkswiththeGoogleAssistantandAlexa.It's ...,mydlinkipcam,IoT,SmartPlug...D-Link推出全新的mydlinkapp,可支援線上攝影機監看,也將針對DCS-8000LH/DCS-8100LH推出雲端錄影功能,...