Bad block table support
The nand driver supports various types of bad block tables. Per device The bad block table contains all bad block information of the device which can consist ...
[PDF] NAND Flash Bad Block Management
Nand flash will have some invalid blocks which is what we called bad blocks. This invalid bad block can't be used to store data because it's not stable.
LinuxAM3354: NAND bad block management
I was recently trying to study how AM3354 linux BSP works on the nand flash bad block management. we are using AM3354 and we are using kernel 4.4.32 extracted ...
壞塊管理(Bad Block Management)
壞塊與來源. 固態硬碟的NAND Flash顆粒是由一個個小小的Flash塊所組成,Flash塊則會有好有壞。固態硬碟的壞塊來源主要有兩方面:. 出廠壞塊(Factory Original Bad Block).