Traktor 2



I cant find Traktor Pro 2 in my Native Access

Try turning on show legacy in Native Access settings and then check the Available / Not installed tab.


Keep in mind Traktor Pro 2 does not work on M1 mac or newer mac os. I think you will have to downgrade quite far for it to work.

How to install Traktor Pro 2

Traktor 2 pro does not work on modern mac any more. But you can upgrade to 3 Pro for half price right now. 30 EUR or so. That will work on modern mac os.

EQ and Filter Models in TRAKTOR PRO 2

TRAKTOR PRO 2 offers various different EQ and Filter types, each with its own distinct sound and features. From within the TRAKTOR Preferences > Mixer menu, ...

NI|Traktor Audio 2 MKII 錄音介面(全新品特價)

... □ 有兩組輸出可接 MAIN OUT 和耳機 OUT,提供 24bit/48K 音質。 □ 附 TRAKTOR LE2,接上 PC/ MAC, 馬上進入數位 DJ 世界。 □ 接上 iPAD/iPhone Traktor DJ,可分送 ...

NI|Traktor Kontrol D2 DJ 控制器(全新品特價)

TRAKTOR KONTROL D2 專為TRAKTOR PRO 2 軟體量身打造,最多能同時使用4 軌播放,有了KONTROL D2 這強大的數位控制器,能讓你在現場演出時增添更多的可能性與創造力。

DJ software | Traktor

Traktor Pro is the go-to software for hundreds of thousands of DJs around the world at every level, from mixing with friends to headlining festivals.

Traktor DJ 2

TRAKTOR DJ 2 features smart track recommendations, an easy-to-learn workflow, and integration with a vast online library of tracks via SoundCloud GO+.

Native Instruments Traktor Z1 MK2 DJ專用混音控制器

Traktor Z1 MK2 是一款精巧型DJ 混音控制器,還可以當聲卡使用,讓您在多達四個DJ 盤上手動控制Native Instruments 的Traktor 軟體。 Traktor Z1 MK2 非常適合想要奠定 ...

NI發表Traktor DJ 2,不需付費即可簡單體驗Traktor

等硬體搭配使用。 而且版本2整合了SoundCloud雲端資料庫,使用者還可以使用SoundCloud音樂。 Traktor DJ 開發和Traktor Pro不同在於,本來Traktor DJ是較精簡功能的版本,原是 ...

