NBA Jam Extreme Arcade

Thedemofeaturedrostersfromthe1997–98NBASeason,witheachofall29NBAteamshavingthreeplayers.Acclaimalsoreleasedaseriesoffollow-ups ...,ForNBAJamExtremeonthePlayStation,GameFAQshas68cheatcodesandsecrets...SecretPlayers.HoldL1+R1thenenterthefollowingas...。參考影片的文章的如下:


NBA Jam Extreme

The demo featured rosters from the 1997–98 NBA Season, with each of all 29 NBA teams having three players. Acclaim also released a series of follow-ups ...

NBA Jam Extreme Cheats, Codes, and Secrets for PlayStation

For NBA Jam Extreme on the PlayStation, GameFAQs has 68 cheat codes and secrets ... Secret Players. Hold L1 + R1 then enter the following as your names and ...

NBA Jam Extreme PlayStation-

NBA Jam Extreme PlayStation--Rosters ; Sea, Payton, Kemp, Perkins, Shrempf ; Tor, Stoudamire, Jones, Wright, Christie ; Ut, Malone, Stockton, Hornacek, Carr ...


Official Title, NBA Jam Extreme ; Common Title, NBA Jam Extreme ; Serial Number(s), SLPS-00699 ; Region, NTSC-J ; Genre / Style, Basketball.

NBA Jam | Video Game History Wiki

NBA Jam is a basketball arcade game developed by Midway in 1993. It is the first entry in the NBA Jam series, and was written entirely in assembly language.

NBA Jam Extreme Characters

Characters · Air Dog · Air Nick · Bob Davidson · Bob Lanier · Brained · Carol Blazejowski · Chris Slate · Frank Thomas.

NBA Jam Extreme (1996)

NBA Jam Extreme features many of the top players from the 1996–97 NBA season. Rosters accurate as of September 11, 1996, with some notable omissions. Ch...


Thedemofeaturedrostersfromthe1997–98NBASeason,witheachofall29NBAteamshavingthreeplayers.Acclaimalsoreleasedaseriesoffollow-ups ...,ForNBAJamExtremeonthePlayStation,GameFAQshas68cheatcodesandsecrets...SecretPlayers.HoldL1+R1thenenterthefollowingasyournamesand ...,NBAJamExtremePlayStation--Rosters;Sea,Payton,Kemp,Perkins,Shrempf;Tor,Stoudamire,Jones,Wright,Christie;Ut,Malone,Stockton,Hornacek,Ca...
