
NBA Jam Cheats, Codes, and Secrets for Arcade Games

Enter one of the codes below at the Match-up screen for the desired effect. Effect, Code. Always on Fire, Press any button seven times then hold left. Juice ...

NBA Jam – Cheats - PlayStation 3 - GameFAQs

Go to the Select Team screen and you'll hear a noise. Hit the + button. ESP as Player 1's initials. Enter NSN as Player 2's initials. Then go ahead to the ...

NBA Jam Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough ...

2010年10月18日 — NBA Jam Cheats, Codes, Cheat Codes, Walkthrough, Guide, FAQ, Unlockables for PlayStation 3 (PS3) ... At the title screen, press Up(2), Down(2), ...

NBA Jam cheats

2010年10月5日 — Use these NBA Jam cheats to unlock all sorts of bonus teams hidden away behind codes, as well as activating Big Head Mode which is always ...

NBA Jam Cheats

This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for NBA Jam for PlayStation 3. If you've discovered a cheat you'd.

NBA Jam: On Fire Edition Cheats

2017年3月13日 — This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for NBA Jam: On Fire Edition for PlayStation 3.

NBA Jam cheat code help

2023年12月19日 — NBA Jam cheat code help. As mentioned above, broke it out and kids love NBA Jam. I know how to unlock through Jam mode, but how do I unlock ...

EA Sports NBA Jam PlayStation 3 Cheats and Tips

Unlock Basketballs. Complete the following tasks to unlock the corresponding Basketball. Unlock NBA Jam Basketball (En Fuego!): Get on fire in a Single or 2- ...

NBA Jam PlayStation 3 Cheats and Tips

All NBA Jam Cheats and Tips - Latest First. Unlock Big Head Mode. At the 'Main' menu go to 'Game Modes' and complete 'Jam Camp' to unlock ...


EnteroneofthecodesbelowattheMatch-upscreenforthedesiredeffect.Effect,Code.AlwaysonFire,Pressanybuttonseventimesthenholdleft.Juice ...,GototheSelectTeamscreenandyou'llhearanoise.Hitthe+button.ESPasPlayer1'sinitials.EnterNSNasPlayer2'sinitials.Thengoaheadtothe ...,2010年10月18日—NBAJamCheats,Codes,CheatCodes,Walkthrough,Guide,FAQ,UnlockablesforPlayStation3(PS3)...Atthetitlescreen,pressUp(2),Down...
