new sticky note
new sticky note

2024年2月16日—TolaunchthenewStickyNotesapp,opentheOneNoteapponWindowsandselecttheStickyNotesbutton.NOTE:AfterlaunchingthenewSticky ...,2024年2月16日—MicrosofthasfinallyunveiledthenewStickyNotesappforWindowswithanewuserinterfaceandfreshfeatures.It...

Introducing the new Sticky Notes app for Windows

2024年2月16日—TolaunchthenewStickyNotesapp,opentheOneNoteapponWindowsandselecttheStickyNotesbutton.NOTE:AfterlaunchingthenewSticky ...

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Introducing the new Sticky Notes app for Windows

2024年2月16日 — To launch the new Sticky Notes app, open the OneNote app on Windows and select the Sticky Notes button. NOTE: After launching the new Sticky ...

Microsoft announces new Sticky Notes app for Windows

2024年2月16日 — Microsoft has finally unveiled the new Sticky Notes app for Windows with a new user interface and fresh features. It is now available in ...

Microsoft Sticky Notes

Features. Create Sticky Notes - A simple and smart design that makes capturing all your notes - small and big - easy, quick and fun. Sync Your Notes - Take your ...

Simple Sticky Notes

Simple Sticky Notes, free and safe download. Simple Sticky Notes latest version: A free note-taking application for PC. Simple Sticky Notes is a stick.

Simple Sticky Notes v6.3.0.0

2023年11月27日 — Simple Sticky Notes is a lightweight and easy to use piece of software designed to enable you to take notes so you never forget about anything ...

Stickies User Guide for Mac

Keep notes, lists, and even pictures in sticky notes on your desktop. You see the notes whenever the Stickies app on your Mac is open. An open sticky note ...

Sticky Notes – Windows 7 的方便小工具

在Windows 7 內, 有一個小工具Sticky Notes, 中文稱為自黏便箋, 它可以讓你在桌面設.

The New Sticky Notes App on Windows 11 is Here, and It's ...

2024年2月20日 — Microsoft has released a new Sticky Notes app integrated with the OneNote app on your Windows 11 PC. It supports desktop docking, ...


2024年2月16日—TolaunchthenewStickyNotesapp,opentheOneNoteapponWindowsandselecttheStickyNotesbutton.NOTE:AfterlaunchingthenewSticky ...,2024年2月16日—MicrosofthasfinallyunveiledthenewStickyNotesappforWindowswithanewuserinterfaceandfreshfeatures.Itisnowavailablein ...,Features.CreateStickyNotes-Asimpleandsmartdesignthatmakescapturingallyournotes-smallandbig-easy,quickandfun.SyncYourNotes-Takeyou...