FRANCE 24 English

Translations·nouvelle,la~(f)Noun·actualité,la~(f)Noun·journal,le~(m)Noun·infos,la~(f)Noun·bulletind'informations,le~(m)Noun ...,Startyourdaywithalittlefrançais.Morethanjustafreeemail—it'syourdailydoseofFrench,rightinyourinbox,everymorning.,news·1...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Translate news from English to French

Translations · nouvelle, la ~ (f) Noun · actualité, la ~ (f) Noun · journal, le ~ (m) Noun · infos, la ~ (f) Noun · bulletin d'informations, le ~ (m) Noun ...

News in French

Start your day with a little français. More than just a free email — it's your daily dose of French, right in your inbox, every morning.

French Translation of “NEWS” | Collins English

news · 1. les nouvelles fem pl. good news de bonnes nouvelles. I've had some bad news. · 2. la nouvelle fem (single piece of news). That's wonderful news!

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Follow FRANCE 24's coverage of events in Paris and across France, Corsica and the French overseas territories. An insider look at French politics, culture, ...

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Le Monde in English

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news - French translation

news noun— · nouvelle f · nouvelles pl f · informations pl f. The goal of a newspaper is to circulate the news. — Le but d'un journal est ...

News in Slow French

News in Slow French offers a unique language learning experience with engaging content at a slower pace to help all learners. Covering a range of topics and ... Learn French with Alexa · Intermediate Podcast · Beginner Podcast · Origin


French far-right leader's presence at Israel anti-Semitism conference stirs controversy · G7 envoys unite behind Ukraine, warn Russia of further sanctions.

French Newspapers : France News Online

List of currently published French-language newspapers and news sites in France including Le Figaro, Le Monde, France Soir and La Croix.


Translations·nouvelle,la~(f)Noun·actualité,la~(f)Noun·journal,le~(m)Noun·infos,la~(f)Noun·bulletind'informations,le~(m)Noun ...,Startyourdaywithalittlefrançais.Morethanjustafreeemail—it'syourdailydoseofFrench,rightinyourinbox,everymorning.,news·1.lesnouvellesfempl.goodnewsdebonnesnouvelles.I'vehadsomebadnews.·2.lanouvellefem(singlepieceofnews).That'swonderfulnews!,FollowFRANCE24'scoverageofeve...