Enable LTE on the Nexus 4!

TheNexus4,whichtakesamicroSIMcard,doesnotofficiallysupportLTE,andonlyofficiallysupportsuptoHSPA+networks.Despitethis,itsradiohardware ...,YesfortheNorthAmericanversion,GoogleNexus4,5,6worksonallnetworkinCanadaandUSA.FrequencyofPublicMobile(ownedb...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Nexus 4

The Nexus 4, which takes a micro SIM card, does not officially support LTE, and only officially supports up to HSPA+ networks. Despite this, its radio hardware ...

Does the unlocked Nexus 4 phone work on your network?

Yes for the North American version, Google Nexus 4, 5, 6 works on all network in Canada and USA. Frequency of Public Mobile (owned by Telus) are :

How To Enable 4G LTE On The Google Nexus 4

2012年11月23日 — How To Enable 4G LTE On The Google Nexus 4 · Step 1: Access Phone Testing Settings · Step 2: Change Your Phone's Cellular Network Type · Step 3: ...

The LG Nexus 4 arrives in Jelly Bean glory (pictures)

Sporting a quad-core CPU, a bright 4.7-inch screen, and Android 4.2 Jelly Bean, you could say the LG Nexus 4 almost has it all -- except 4G LTE, that is.

How to enable the Nexus 4's dormant LTE support, while you ...

2012年11月26日 — According to Andy Rubin(Opens in a new window), the Nexus 4 doesn't have LTE support because nearly all current LTE networks are hybridized with ...

How to Activate 4G LTE Connectivity on Nexus 4?

If you want to revert back to the normal connectivity, all you need to do is just dial the same number and change your preferred network back to GSM only.

How To Enable LTE on The Nexus 4 (It Can Be Done)

2013年8月1日 — Go into the phone's system settings, choose More under Wireless & Networks, then Mobile Networks, and finally Access Point Names. The unofficial ...

10 years later

2022年11月17日 — The Nexus 4 was a break from what Google had attempted with the previous Galaxy Nexus, which was sold as a 4G LTE exclusive on Verizon in the ...

Nexus 4

Nexus 4與LG Optimus G的內部硬體組態有諸多共同之處。該手機使用4.7英寸(120毫米)720p IPS顯示器。SOC為配備2 GB RAM 的1.5 GHz四核Snapdragon S4 Pro,擁有8 ...


TheNexus4,whichtakesamicroSIMcard,doesnotofficiallysupportLTE,andonlyofficiallysupportsuptoHSPA+networks.Despitethis,itsradiohardware ...,YesfortheNorthAmericanversion,GoogleNexus4,5,6worksonallnetworkinCanadaandUSA.FrequencyofPublicMobile(ownedbyTelus)are:,2012年11月23日—HowToEnable4GLTEOnTheGoogleNexus4·Step1:AccessPhoneTestingSettings·Step2:ChangeYourPhone'sCellularNetworkType·Step3: ...,Sp...