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Docker NGINX Regular Expression Tester

Provides a mechanism for testing regular expressions directly within an NGINX configuration. NGINX Unit is used to serve a PHP page that creates an NGINX ...

Nginx location match tester

Nginx location match tester. Nginx configuration: server { listen 80; server_name domain2.com www.domain2.com; access_log logs/domain2.access.log main ...


Regular expression tester with syntax highlighting, explanation, cheat sheet for PHP/PCRE, Python, GO, JavaScript, Java, C#/.NET, Rust.

Nginx regular expressions - regex

I'm trying to do the following rewrites: maindomain.com/country/everythingExceptWork to redirect to country url location ~ ^/france(?:/(?!work))(?:(.*))$ { ...

NGINX 和NGINX Plus 的正则表达式测试器

The Regular Expression Tester. The regex tester is implemented in a Docker container with NGINX and NGINX Unit installed. NGINX Unit serves ...

A Regular Expression Tester for NGINX and NGINX Plus

The regular expression (regex) tester for NGINX and NGINX Plus takes the guesswork out of regexes, telling you whether a regex for a location or map block ...

A Regular Expression Tester for NGINX and NGINX Plus

The regex tester is implemented in a Docker container with NGINX and NGINX Unit installed. NGINX Unit serves two variations of a PHP page, ...

NGINX 和 NGINX Plus 的正则表达式测试器

The Regular Expression Tester. The regex tester is implemented in a Docker container with NGINX and NGINX Unit installed. NGINX Unit serves ...


沒有這個頁面的資訊。·瞭解原因,ProvidesamechanismfortestingregularexpressionsdirectlywithinanNGINXconfiguration.NGINXUnitisusedtoserveaPHPpagethatcreatesanNGINX ...,Nginxlocationmatchtester.Nginxconfiguration:server{listen80;server_namedomain2.comwww.domain2.com;access_loglogs/domain2.access.logmain ...,Regularexpressiontesterwithsyntaxhighlighting,explanation,cheatsheetforPHP/PCRE,Python,GO,Ja...