QR Code Generator using Node.js




QRCode.js is javascript library for making QRCode. QRCode.js supports Cross-browser with HTML5 Canvas and table tag in DOM. QRCode.js has no dependencies.


The QR Code Generator is a Node.js command-line tool that converts a user-provided URL into a QR code image, simplifying the process of generating scannable QR ...


EasyQRCodeJS-NodeJS is a NodeJS server side javascript QRCode image(PNG/JPEG/SVG/Base64 data url) generator. Support setting Dot style, Logo, ...


Introduction. This repository contains a sample QR code generator function. You can deploy it on DigitalOcean's App Platform as a Serverless Function component.

soldairnode-qrcode: qr code generator

The QR Code versions range from version 1 to version 40. Each version has a different number of modules (black and white dots), which define the symbol's size. Issues 79 · Package.json · MIT license

paulmillrqr: Minimal browser & node.js QR Code Pattern ...

Minimal browser and node.js QR Code Pattern encoder & decoder. Auditable, 0-dependency; ????️ Encoding (generating) supports ASCII, term, gif and svg codes ...

tonykalalianqr-code-generator-nodejs: This Node.js ...

The QR Code Generator is a versatile Node.js application that allows users to effortlessly create QR codes for their favorite images by simply providing a URL.


Node js QR code generate and download. Contribute to kcsrinivasa/Node-JS-Simple-QR-Code-Generator-and-Download development by creating an account on GitHub.

Simple project using nodejs for generate qrcode

In this project user can generate the QR code and download the file. Test on local. Install dependencies.

kshyun28qrcode-decoder-nodejs: Sample QR code ...

This example repository highlights an alternative to qrcode-reader which is jsqr. Sample code is generated using ChatGPT and supports reading QR codes.


QRCode.jsisjavascriptlibraryformakingQRCode.QRCode.jssupportsCross-browserwithHTML5CanvasandtabletaginDOM.QRCode.jshasnodependencies.,TheQRCodeGeneratorisaNode.jscommand-linetoolthatconvertsauser-providedURLintoaQRcodeimage,simplifyingtheprocessofgeneratingscannableQR ...,EasyQRCodeJS-NodeJSisaNodeJSserversidejavascriptQRCodeimage(PNG/JPEG/SVG/Base64dataurl)generator.SupportsettingDotstyle,Log...
