

Building on the success of the Forest Days and Agricultural and Rural Development Days, the inaugural Global Landscapes Forum took place on the sidelines of the ...


NORAD發表千帆星座首次組網任務在軌物體數據,代號2024-140,軌道高度800傾角89的近極LEO,有18顆衛星和2個主要的長征6A上面級碎塊,目前衛星正在電推升軌 ...

Norad (@noradno) · Instagram 照片和视频

7383 位粉丝、已关注170 人、 921 篇帖子- Instagram 用户Norad (@noradno):“Norad - Direktoratet for utviklingssamarbeid. Les våre saker på Norad.no her ”

Ready for the Oslo Tropical Forest Forum?

The Oslo Tropical Forest Forum (OTFF) is a global conference gathering key policy-makers and practitioners from civil society, the private sector, and public ...

NORAD, U.S. Northern Command host international officials at ...

NORAD, U.S. Northern Command host international officials at Homeland Defense and Civil Support forum. By Sgt. 1st Class Gail Braymen NORAD and USNORTHCOM ...


The official website of the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD)

Oslo Tropical Forest Forum

The Oslo Tropical Forest Forum (OTFF) is a key global conference that gather ministers, policy makers, multilateral institutions, civil society, ...

2025 Norad Conference

The Norad Conference is Norway's largest venue for all stakeholders with an interest in international challenges and global development. We will ...


「追蹤耶誕老人」起源於1955年一份鼓勵孩童撥號給耶誕老人的廣告,儘管當時廣告中錯植為NORAD號碼,但基地官兵在接獲電話後決定發揮創意與愛心,向來電民眾 ...

Norad Policy Forum: Kontantoverføringer

I dette forumet vil vi utforske muligheter og utfordringer ved sosiale sikkerhetsnett, med fokus på kontantoverføringer. ...more ...more.


BuildingonthesuccessoftheForestDaysandAgriculturalandRuralDevelopmentDays,theinauguralGlobalLandscapesForumtookplaceonthesidelinesofthe ...,NORAD發表千帆星座首次組網任務在軌物體數據,代號2024-140,軌道高度800傾角89的近極LEO,有18顆衛星和2個主要的長征6A上面級碎塊,目前衛星正在電推升軌 ...,7383位粉丝、已关注170人、921篇帖子-Instagram用户Norad(@noradno):“Norad-Direktoratetforutviklingssamarbeid....