NORAD Tracks Santa

acombinedorganizationoftheUnitedStatesandCanadathatprovidesaerospacewarning,airsovereignty,andprotectionforCanadaandthecontinentalUnited ...,EnjoythisreplayofhowSantaClausisdetected,tracked,andescorted,plushowyoucanplayalongontheNORADSantaTracker...。參考影片的文章的如下:



a combined organization of the United States and Canada that provides aerospace warning, air sovereignty, and protection for Canada and the continental United ...

Tracking Santa with NORAD (Rebroadcast)

Enjoy this replay of how Santa Claus is detected, tracked, and escorted, plus how you can play along on the NORAD Santa Tracker website. Support ...

NORAD modernization project timelines

In June 2022, Defence Minister Anita Anand announced Canada's $38.6 billion plan to modernize North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) over the next ...

North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD)

The North American Aerospace Defense Command conducts aerospace warning, aerospace control and maritime warning in the defense of North America.


NORAD is a United States and Canada bi-national organization charged with the missions of aerospace warning, aerospace control and maritime warning for North ...

The Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation

Norad is the Norwegian agency for development cooperation. We are an administrative and professional body for international aid, and shall ...


Norad - The Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation. Norad is an administrative and specialist body for development cooperation and supports the Ministry ...

Official NORAD Tracks Santa

FOLLOW US! NORAD Santa on X Visit NORAD Santa on FacebookVisit NORAD Tracks Santa on YouTubeVisit NORAD Santa on InstagramVisit NORAD Santa News ... NORAD Tracks Santa® website · Games · 한글 · Music


北美空天防禦司令部(英語:North American Aerospace Defense Command,簡稱北美防空司令部(NORAD),原稱北美防空司令部)是一個由美國和加拿大共同組成的軍事機構,首腦為美國 ...


acombinedorganizationoftheUnitedStatesandCanadathatprovidesaerospacewarning,airsovereignty,andprotectionforCanadaandthecontinentalUnited ...,EnjoythisreplayofhowSantaClausisdetected,tracked,andescorted,plushowyoucanplayalongontheNORADSantaTrackerwebsite.Support ...,InJune2022,DefenceMinisterAnitaAnandannouncedCanada's$38.6billionplantomodernizeNorthAmericanAerospaceDefenseCommand(NORAD)overthe...