
在App Store 上的「NORAD Tracks Santa Claus」

評分 4.7 (3) · 免費 · iOS The NORAD Santa App is the official app of the NORAD Tracks Santa program. Watch the days countdown to the start of Santa's Yuletide journey around the ...

NORAD Tracks Santa

NORAD Tracks Santa, also called NORAD Santa Tracker, is an annual official program in which North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) publishes the ... Google Santa Tracker · Yes, Virginia, there is a · Operation Christmas Drop

NORAD Tracks Santa

評分 4.2 (1,738) · 免費 · Android · NORAD Santa App是NORAD Tracks Santa計劃的官方應用程序。觀看聖誕老人的Yuletide環球之旅開始的倒數計時!您還可以玩遊戲,閱讀故事等! 更新日期.

NORAD Tracks Santa

Like many origin stories, NORAD's mission to track Santa began by accident. In 1955 a young child, trying to reach Santa, dialed the misprinted phone number ...


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Official NORAD Tracks Santa

FOLLOW US! NORAD Santa on X Visit NORAD Santa on FacebookVisit NORAD Tracks Santa on YouTubeVisit NORAD Santa on InstagramVisit NORAD Santa News ... About Santa · NORAD Tracks Santa® website · Games · 한글


Switch to the free-roam camera to explore any part of the globe. ○Move closer to Santa. ○Move farther away from Santa. ○View from different angles by rotating: ...

NORAD Tracks Santa

NORAD is proud to be celebrating 68 years of tracking Santa, just like we track other airborne objects in and around North America 365 days a year.


評分4.7(3)·免費·iOSTheNORADSantaAppistheofficialappoftheNORADTracksSantaprogram.WatchthedayscountdowntothestartofSanta'sYuletidejourneyaroundthe ...,NORADTracksSanta,alsocalledNORADSantaTracker,isanannualofficialprograminwhichNorthAmericanAerospaceDefenseCommand(NORAD)publishesthe ...GoogleSantaTracker·Yes,Virginia,thereisa·OperationChristmasDrop,評分4.2(1,738)·免費·Android·NORADSantaApp是NORA...