Samsung Galaxy Note 9 vs Galaxy S9 Plus



Compare Samsung Galaxy Note9 vs. Samsung Galaxy S9+

Type, Super AMOLED, HDR10, Super AMOLED, HDR10 ; Size, 6.4 inches, 103.2 cm2 (~83.4% screen-to-body ratio), 6.2 inches, 98.3 cm2 (~84.2% screen-to-body ratio).

Compare Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus vs Note 9

Shows 16% longer battery life (19:26 vs 16:44 hours) · Comes with 500 mAh larger battery capacity: 4000 vs 3500 mAh · Has 33% more RAM: 8GB versus 6GB · 10% faster ...

Galaxy Note 9 Vs Galaxy S9+: What's The Difference?

The S9 Plus may be one of Samsung's largest and heaviest premium smartphones but – just like their displays – the Galaxy Note 9 tops it: Galaxy Note 9 – 161.9 x 76.4 x 8.8 mm (6.37 x 3.01 x 0.35 in), 201 g (7.09 oz) Galaxy S9 Plus – 158.1 x 73.8 x 8.5

Samsung Galaxy Note 9 vs Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus

Why is Samsung Galaxy Note 9 better than Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus? ; 14.29% more battery power · 4000 mAhvs3500 mAh ; 2GB more RAM memory · 8GBvs6GB ; 9.09% faster CPU ...

Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus vs Samsung Galaxy Note 9

Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus vs Samsung Galaxy Note 9 ; Display, 6.2 inches, 1440 x 2960 pixels, 6.4 inches, 1440 x 2960 pixels ; CPU, 2.8 GHz, Octa Core Processor, 2.7 ...

差異在哪?三星Note 9、S9+、S9、Note 8 前後代旗艦規格 ...

Samsung Galaxy Note 9 開箱文│超不專業分享. 再過幾天有預購Note 9 的第一批就快到了,這次就讓我的手機也加入這次文章,話不多說來開箱吧。

購機前看評價SAMSUNG S9+與Note 9旗艦比較

2019年2月7日 — 【重點規格】 ; 型號, SAMSUNG Galaxy S9+, SAMSUNG Galaxy Note 9 ; 螢幕, 6.2 吋Quad HD+ Super AMOLED 18.5:9 比例, 6.4 吋 Quad HD+ Super AMOLED 18.5 ...


Type,SuperAMOLED,HDR10,SuperAMOLED,HDR10;Size,6.4inches,103.2cm2(~83.4%screen-to-bodyratio),6.2inches,98.3cm2(~84.2%screen-to-bodyratio).,Shows16%longerbatterylife(19:26vs16:44hours)·Comeswith500mAhlargerbatterycapacity:4000vs3500mAh·Has33%moreRAM:8GBversus6GB·10%faster ...,TheS9PlusmaybeoneofSamsung'slargestandheaviestpremiumsmartphonesbut–justliketheirdisplays–theGalaxyNote9topsit:Galaxy...