
Beanote - Note Taking on Web Pages

This extension helps you to highlight, take notes and annotate on web pages. Beanote helps you highlight sentences and images on any part of any web pages.

Web Page Sticky Notes

Web Page Sticky Notes Offload your memory by appending notes: - to a specific website - to a specific page of that website - to a specific element of that page ...

Take notes on the web with their context | by Jim

I have developed a free open source chrome extension named context-note, aiming to provide a better way to take, search and review notes on the web.

Web Page Sticky Note

Web Page Sticky Notes are great for anyone to take notes while reading any website page. These sticky notes stay on the page well after leaving the site.

Take notes about a webpage in Safari on Mac

Paste a webpage address in a note · Go to the Safari app on your Mac. · Go to a webpage. · Click the Share button , then choose Add to Quick Note.

Take notes about a web page in Safari on Mac

Paste a web page address in a note · Go to the Safari app on your Mac. · Go to a web page. · Click the Share button , then choose Add to Quick Note.

Use the Google Keep Chrome extension

Save content as a note. Select the content that you want to save. Right-click and then click Save image to Keep or Save selection to Keep.

Insert notes from the web into OneNote

By using Internet Explorer and OneNote together, you can capture web pages and add them into your notes.

Web Pages

A webpage is a digital document that is linked to the World Wide Web and viewable by anyone connected to the internet having a web browser.

How to annotate a webpage like taking written notes in the margins ...

I don't do handwritten annotations, but sometimes I need an annotation for a random web page. For this purpose I use Hypothes.is tool. There are ...


Thisextensionhelpsyoutohighlight,takenotesandannotateonwebpages.Beanotehelpsyouhighlightsentencesandimagesonanypartofanywebpages.,WebPageStickyNotesOffloadyourmemorybyappendingnotes:-toaspecificwebsite-toaspecificpageofthatwebsite-toaspecificelementofthatpage ...,Ihavedevelopedafreeopensourcechromeextensionnamedcontext-note,aimingtoprovideabetterwaytotake,searchandreviewnotesontheweb.,WebPageS...