
Desktop notifications in Outlook on the web and Outlook.com

Enabling desktop notifications · Go to Outlook.com and click the Settings (gear) icon on the top right corner. · Go to General > Notifications and enable Send me ...

Microsoft Outlook - E

Several options are available in Outlook to provide notification of a new e-mail message in the Inbox. They include: • Playing a sound.

new mail notification not working

Click on File in the top left corner of Outlook. · Click on Options > Mail > Message arrival. · Make sure that Display a Desktop Alert and Play a Sound ...

New outlook Notifications

2023年7月27日 — Click on System > Notifications & actions. Scroll down to Get notifications from these senders and make sure that Outlook is turned on.

Notification for email opens mail app instead of outlook ...

2023年10月18日 — Based on your description, to make email notifications open Outlook 2016 instead of the Mail app, please kindly follow these steps: 1. Open the ...

outlook No New Email notifications

Check Outlook settings: Make sure that the Show new mail desktop alert option is turned on in Outlook. You can check this by going to File > Options > Mail > ...

Turn on notifications for accounts and pinned folders in ...

Open the Windows Mail app and choose Settings. · Under Settings, choose Notifications. · Under Select an account, choose the account to enable notifications for.


Enablingdesktopnotifications·GotoOutlook.comandclicktheSettings(gear)icononthetoprightcorner.·GotoGeneral>NotificationsandenableSendme ...,SeveraloptionsareavailableinOutlooktoprovidenotificationofanewe-mailmessageintheInbox.Theyinclude:•Playingasound.,ClickonFileinthetopleftcornerofOutlook.·ClickonOptions>Mail>Messagearrival.·MakesurethatDisplayaDesktopAlertandPlayaSound ...,2023年7...