我用Notion 和ChatGPT 打造了訂閱服務管理系統|免費領取

Withover10yearsintheAppStore,NotionMobileisafree,award-winningmusiccompositiontoolforiOS,iPadOS®,macOSandmore!You'lleffortlessly ...,評分4.8(8,700)·免費·iOS寫作、計劃、整理,由AI助一臂之力。筆記、文件、任務和專案—全部集於一處。「AI全能應用程式」—...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Notion on the App Store

With over 10 years in the App Store, Notion Mobile is a free, award-winning music composition tool for iOS, iPadOS®, macOS and more! You'll effortlessly ...

在App Store 上的「Notion

評分 4.8 (8,700) · 免費 · iOS 寫作、計劃、整理,由AI 助一臂之力。筆記、文件、任務和專案— 全部集於一處。 「AI 全能應用程式」— 富比世. 個人可免費使用. • 建立任意數量的筆記、文件和內容。

What's New (Mac & Windows)

v4.5.0. Released @February 6, 2025 (macOS & Windows). We've optimized how quickly the app starts so you'll see your Notion a little sooner!

Notion for Mac

Notion lets you organize projects, collaborate with teams, and keep work in sync. Learn more about Notion for Mac now.

適用於Mac 與Windows 的Notion 桌面版應用程式

下載Notion 桌面版. 更敏捷且專注度更高的體驗正等著你。 下載macOS 版(通用) 下載macOS 版(Apple 晶片) 下載macOS 版(搭載Intel 處理器的Mac) 下載Windows 版(x64 ...

Notion 桌面版

Mac 桌面版應用程式 · To get the Mac desktop app, go to notion.com/desktop and click Download for macOS . · 開啟下載的檔案,並依照指示操作以安裝Notion。 · 開啟Notion ...


Below are the minimum computer-system requirements for Notion™ for Mac and PC. Mac®. macOS 10.13 High Sierra or later (64-bit only); Intel Core™ i3 processor or ...

Notion on web is 10 times better than the desktop version

The desktop version (on MacOS) is poorly built. The app is laggy and choppy, which not super annoying, but still is still noticeable, and for an app like ...


評分 4.6 (73) 並且支援Windows、MacOS、IOS、以及Anrdoid等系統,離線編輯也沒問題,可說是目前時下最熱門的筆記軟體之一。 Notion教學|具備以下幾點特色. 操作自由且靈活; 支援網頁 ...

How to Install Notion on Macbook Air (tutorial)

In this video, we'll guide you through the process of installing Notion on your MacBook Air. Follow these simple steps to get the app up and ...


Withover10yearsintheAppStore,NotionMobileisafree,award-winningmusiccompositiontoolforiOS,iPadOS®,macOSandmore!You'lleffortlessly ...,評分4.8(8,700)·免費·iOS寫作、計劃、整理,由AI助一臂之力。筆記、文件、任務和專案—全部集於一處。「AI全能應用程式」—富比世.個人可免費使用.•建立任意數量的筆記、文件和內容。,v4.5.0.Released@February6,2025(macOS&Windows).We'veoptimizedhowquicklytheappstartssoyou'll...