Benchmark Windows 11 PC

NovabenchResultsDatabase.Searchforresults.Sortby:Score,highesttolowest.Search.Openscoresmenu.TopUserResults ...,ANovabenchScorehasnoupperlimit-ahigherscoreisbetter.Scoresaredesignedtobelinearlycomparable;aCPUthathasascoreof2xanotherisroughly ...,...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Top Benchmark Results

Novabench Results Database. Search for results. Sort by: Score, highest to lowest. Search. Open scores menu. Top User Results ...

Comparing your Benchmark Results

A Novabench Score has no upper limit - a higher score is better. Scores are designed to be linearly comparable; a CPU that has a score of 2x another is roughly ...

Video Card Chart - Top GPUs

Top GPUs by benchmark score ; 1042 · Apple M1 Ultra (64-core) ; 1022 · NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 ; 1017 · NVIDIA RTX 3500 Ada Generation Laptop GPU ; 993 · AMD Radeon ...

Novabench CPU Benchmarks

Top CPUs by benchmark score ; 3104 · AMD Ryzen Threadripper 2990WX ; 2983 · Intel Core i9-13900 ; 2955 · AMD Ryzen 9 5950X ; 2950 · Intel Xeon Gold 6132. AMD Ryzen 9 5950X · Intel Core i9-14900H · Genuine Intel 0000

My Novabench score was 641 in Windows 10 Pro V1703 ...

My Novabench score was 641 in Windows 10 Pro V1703, but in Windows10 Pro V1909 it is 621. My CPU score just lowered. Which Windows version ...

What is a good Novabench score? : rpcmasterrace

I was trying to find a solid answer but couldn't really find that. Recently build a new pc and was wondering how it scores. I scored 2799, which seams to be ...


NovabenchResultsDatabase.Searchforresults.Sortby:Score,highesttolowest.Search.Openscoresmenu.TopUserResults ...,ANovabenchScorehasnoupperlimit-ahigherscoreisbetter.Scoresaredesignedtobelinearlycomparable;aCPUthathasascoreof2xanotherisroughly ...,TopGPUsbybenchmarkscore;1042·AppleM1Ultra(64-core);1022·NVIDIAGeForceRTX3070;1017·NVIDIARTX3500AdaGenerationLaptopGPU;993·AMDRadeon ...,TopCPUsbybench...

HWiNFO 8.22 功能完善的硬體檢測工具

HWiNFO 8.22 功能完善的硬體檢測工具


Novabench 4.0.8 電腦效能跑分評測工具

Novabench 4.0.8 電腦效能跑分評測工具
