Nox update!!

Changedhowtheresponsivenavworkedabit;Fixedtheissuewiththeresponsivenavstayingopenonwindowresize;UpdatedtojQuery3.2.1;Addedacleaner ...,-Changed:Backgroundwillshowfanartwhenavailablethroughouttheskinandfallbacktotheimagessetupinthegeneralskinsetti...。參考影片的文章的如下:



Changed how the responsive nav worked a bit; Fixed the issue with the responsive nav staying open on window resize; Updated to jQuery 3.2.1; Added a cleaner ...

changelog.txt - BigNoidAeon-Nox

- Changed: Background will show fanart when available throughout the skin and fallback to the images setup in the general skin settings. at main · wntrblmnox

This release adds explicit support for Python 3.13 and drops support for running Nox itself under Python 3.7. Note that you can still use ...

Changelog — Nox 2025.2.9 documentation

Nox's behavior has been changed from declarative to imperative. Session actions now run immediately. Existing code to setup session virtualenv, such as session.

Release Notes

Fixed issue with hiding toolbar option available after restart. Fixed issue GPS walking function. Fixed minor game issues.


Windows版本-更新訊息. 以下是該分組下的文章及分組列表: V7.0.6.1版本更新公告. 更新說明(2024-08-12) · V7.0.5.8版本更新公告. 更新說明(2023-6-14).

Windows Release Note

Windows Release Note. Here is the list of the title: V7.0.6.1 Release Note · V7.0.5.9 Release Note · V7.0.5.8 Release Note · V7.0.5.7 Release Note. V7.0.6.1 Release Note · V6.6.1.1 Release Note · Release Note History

Release Notes

NoxPlayer Download. Free NoxPlayer. The Best Android Emulator on Windows 10/8/7/Vista/XP and Mac Sierra 10.12/10.11...

Release Note

'Notes on Shuori' Launches Today as 'Reverse: 1999' Celebrates Half-Anniversary With Version 1.6 Debut! Claim up to 90 free summons and a free g …KEEP ...


Changedhowtheresponsivenavworkedabit;Fixedtheissuewiththeresponsivenavstayingopenonwindowresize;UpdatedtojQuery3.2.1;Addedacleaner ...,-Changed:Backgroundwillshowfanartwhenavailablethroughouttheskinandfallbacktotheimagessetupinthegeneralskinsettings.,ThisreleaseaddsexplicitsupportforPython3.13anddropssupportforrunningNoxitselfunderPython3.7.Notethatyoucanstilluse ...,Nox'sbehaviorhasbeenchange...