
觀察全球風向的即時資訊:EarthNullschool.點選來開啟資源。←觀察颱風動態及衛星雲圖的好幫手:GoogleEarth.跳至...跳至 ...,Seecurrentwind,weather,ocean,andpollutionconditions,asforecastbysupercomputers,onaninteractiveanimatedmap.Updatedeverythreehours.,[email protected]•

2016.10 天災與救災

觀察全球風向的即時資訊:Earth Nullschool. 點選 來開啟資源。 ← 觀察颱風動態及衛星雲圖的好幫手:Google Earth. 跳至... 跳至 ...

Earth Nullschool

See current wind, weather, ocean, and pollution conditions, as forecast by supercomputers, on an interactive animated map. Updated every three hours.


nullschool. @nullschool9511. 8.11K subscribers•38 videos. The official YouTube channel for ...more ...more. Subscribe.

An animated map of global weather conditions. source code:                          

about earth :

A visualization of global weather conditions, forecast by supercomputers, updated every three hours, ocean surface current estimates, updated every day.

Nullschool Technologies Inc.

Nullschool Technologies Inc. helps people understand Earth science through the visualization of weather and climate data. Our website,, ...

earth :

See current wind, weather, ocean, and pollution conditions, as forecast by supercomputers, on an interactive animated map. Updated every three hours.

earth(@nullschool)• Instagram 相片與影片

earth(@nullschool)• Instagram 相片與影片. Instagram. 登入. 開啟應用程式. nullschool的大頭貼照. 51貼文. 1.2萬位粉絲. 1追蹤中. nullschool. earth. earth.nullschool ...

Using: shows the temperature at a variety heights in the air, using hectopascals (or hPa) which is how air pressure is measured.

earth (@nullschool) • Instagram photos and videos

Data visualization of the earth as a globe centered over the Southern Pacific Ocean and Antarctica. Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly - ...