
4GB of NVIDIA Downloader files... can I delete?

2017年1月31日 — 4GB of NVIDIA Downloader files... can I delete? Got 4GB worth of folders & .exe files in my C:-ProgramData-NVIDIA Corporation-Downloader folder.

Can I safely delete the files created by NVIDIA display ...

2012年6月10日 — The NVIDIA folder can indeed be deleted. It can sometimes be a handy feature to have giving you access to all the seperate installers and driver ...

Cleaning up old NVIDIA driver files

2017年12月15日 — Most subfolders contain installer executables. Simply remove all folders with a random name, only leave config and latest. For example on my ...

How to clean NVIDIA drivers downloaded cache files

2019年8月11日 — Just select all directories with the random named and latest one (as the image below). You can delete them permanently. Cached installer ...

Is it safe to delete C

2016年2月13日 — Yes the C:-Nvidia folder, like Kyhi stated can be deleted. The Nvidia Corporation folder, IN your Programs folder, which contains the Installer ...

Nvidia app new driver download location? Can I delete this?

2024年7月17日 — I assume this is the new location for downloading drivers can I delete post-processing folder inside grd folder?

Safe to Delete Nvidia folder?

2021年12月12日 — You can take the WHOLE NVIDIA folder and trash it. When you download the drivers, they came in on an EXE - these are most likely still in your Downloads folder ...

Which Nvidia folders are safe to delete for free up space?

2021年2月17日 — Anything in Program Files is not safe to delete. Anything in AppData may be safe to delete, but you'll lose your settings.

Why Does NVIDIA Store Gigabytes of Installer Files On ...

2018年2月23日 — While the default Windows file permissions won't let you delete the entire Downloader folder, we've found that you can simply open the ...


2017年1月31日—4GBofNVIDIADownloaderfiles...canIdelete?Got4GBworthoffolders&.exefilesinmyC:-ProgramData-NVIDIACorporation-Downloaderfolder.,2012年6月10日—TheNVIDIAfoldercanindeedbedeleted.Itcansometimesbeahandyfeaturetohavegivingyouaccesstoalltheseperateinstallersanddriver ...,2017年12月15日—Mostsubfolderscontaininstallerexecutables.Simplyremoveallfolderswitharandomname,onlyleaveconfigandla...