
Safe to delete the contents of C

It's perfectly safe to delete those files & folders after you have completely uninstalled all nvidia software from your system.


2. Installer2資料夾. 進入C:-Program Files-NVIDIA Corporation-Installer2-; 保留Installer2資料夾,刪除Installer2裡的檔案即可. 完成後就可以多出 ...

Disk Space Used When Installing NVIDIA Drivers

The Installer places all driver and related add-on software in the Installer2 folder to ensure that re-installs and uninstalls are successful and complete.




C:-Program Files-NVIDIA Corporation-Installer2-. 只要刪除Installer2裡的檔案就好,千萬不要刪除Installer2的資料夾. nvidia_location2. 如你所見,這 ...


NVIDIA驅動程式每次自動下載安裝後.下載的檔案都不會自動刪除.但小弟有問疑問.為什麼需要清除2個位置的暫存檔呢.分別是C:-ProgramData-NVIDIA ...

Nvidia installer2 is stores a lot of

Rock1m1 said: Tons and tons of driver update related files are stored in the installer2 folder or something like that. What I don't understand is why did I have ...

[請益] C槽根目錄的nvidia資料夾可以砍掉嗎

請問安裝完驅動程式以後C槽跟目錄會有一個nvidia資料夾好像是安裝時的解壓縮包那個可以刪掉嗎?? 我不敢亂刪因為我昨天看一個教學.

Is it safe to delete the files in C

Did a quick search and it seems safe to delete them, but some people are suggesting to keep the current driver files.


It'sperfectlysafetodeletethosefiles&foldersafteryouhavecompletelyuninstalledallnvidiasoftwarefromyoursystem.,2.Installer2資料夾.進入C:-ProgramFiles-NVIDIACorporation-Installer2-;保留Installer2資料夾,刪除Installer2裡的檔案即可.完成後就可以多出 ...,TheInstallerplacesalldriverandrelatedadd-onsoftwareintheInstaller2foldertoensurethatre-installsanduninstallsaresuccessfulandcomplete.,只要资料存...