

In May, NZXT introduced the world to its first piece of software, CAM. A simple companion for your PC, CAM brings cloud integration, mobile support and a modern ...

kraken x62 fans on idle untill windows logs in and cam ...

2023年7月5日 — as mentioned above the fans will not run at full speed untill im logged into windows and cam software boots, so i need to log in fast or cpu ...

My NZXT Device is not Recognized in CAM

2023年12月27日 — Check the Device Manager or Devices and Printers Menu, as well as the NZXT CAM software to see if the device is detected again. Checking NZXT ...


CAM is free PC monitoring software. Control performance, temperatures, and lighting for all of your NZXT components.

NZXT has a well earned reputation for its terrible CAM ...

NZXT Kraken X62 280mm - RL-KRX62-02 - AIO RGB CPU ... NZXT has a well earned reputation for its terrible CAM software and you need it to configure your Kraken.

[SOLVED] - NZXT CAM software

2019年10月9日 — Has anyone got any experience with getting this software working consistently? I have a Kraken X62 and it worked reasonably well with my ...

【 新版NZXT CAM 4.0 發布????✨ 】...

2019年8月28日 — ... 【 新版NZXT CAM 4.0 發布 ✨ 】 我們重建了CAM,以提供用戶更簡易、快速且穩定的系統監控軟體 ... CAM 軟體相關疑問請直接私訊 NZXT 恩傑台灣 ... 我的X62 ...


InMay,NZXTintroducedtheworldtoitsfirstpieceofsoftware,CAM.AsimplecompanionforyourPC,CAMbringscloudintegration,mobilesupportandamodern ...,2023年7月5日—asmentionedabovethefanswillnotrunatfullspeeduntillimloggedintowindowsandcamsoftwareboots,soineedtologinfastorcpu ...,2023年12月27日—ChecktheDeviceManagerorDevicesandPrintersMenu,aswellastheNZXTCAMsoftwaretoseeifthedeviceisdetectedagain.CheckingN...