
Microsoft icons

2023年5月19日 — Just a bunch of sources with icons from Microsoft 365, Azure, Azure AD, and other Microsoft-related services. This can be super handy if you ...

Microsoft Office 365

2021年12月23日 — Dec 24, 2021 - I'm excited to share with you my icon redesign concepts for Microsoft Office 365! The inspiration behind this project was ...

Microsoft Office has pretty new icons but they have a fatal ...

2018年11月30日 — Microsoft has unveiled a new set of icons that the Office apps will start using. Office 365 customers will see their apps switch to the new ...

Microsoft, office, office 365, teams icon

Download this microsoft, office, office 365, teams icon in flat style. Available in PNG and SVG formats. No signup required.

New Office Icon set

I need to include the new Office 365 icons, released a couple months ago, in my presentations. How can I get the official ones? Ideally with a transparent.

Office 365 Downloadable Icons

Hi Everyone, Can anyone share to me please the link we can download the Office 365 apps icons that we can use for training and documentation purposes?

Office 365 icon PNG and SVG Vector Free Download

Office 365 icon PNG with transparent background image and SVG vector. It is free to download and use any commercial projects no attribution required.

Office 365 Icons, Logos, Symbols

Free Office 365 icons, logos, symbols in 50+ UI design styles. Download Static and animated Office 365 vector icons and logos for free in PNG, SVG, GIF.


2023年5月19日—JustabunchofsourceswithiconsfromMicrosoft365,Azure,AzureAD,andotherMicrosoft-relatedservices.Thiscanbesuperhandyifyou ...,2021年12月23日—Dec24,2021-I'mexcitedtosharewithyoumyiconredesignconceptsforMicrosoftOffice365!Theinspirationbehindthisprojectwas ...,2018年11月30日—MicrosofthasunveiledanewsetoficonsthattheOfficeappswillstartusing.Office365customerswillseetheirappsswitchtothen...
