
2018 FIFA World Cup

The 2018 FIFA World Cup was the 21st FIFA World Cup, the quadrennial world championship for national football teams organized by FIFA.

2018 FIFA World Cup officials

Referees and assistant referees edit ; AFC · Mohammed Abdulla Hassan Mohamed (United Arab Emirates), Mohamed Al Hammadi (United Arab Emirates) Hasan Al Mahri ( ...

FIFA World Cup 2018

World Cup 2018. Final. France · 4:2 · Croatia, 15.07.18 · World Cup 2018. Third place play-off. Belgium · 2:0 · England, 14.07.18 · World Cup 2018. Semi-finals ...

FIFA World Cup 2018

2024年1月10日 — Find the most up-to-date statistics and facts on the 2018 FIFA World Cup hosted by Russia.

More than half the world watched record

2018年12月21日 — Audit shows a record 3.572 billion people watched the 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia™ · Figure includes those who watched TV at home, out of home or ...

Technical Report - 2018 FIFA World Cup


The 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia

2018年9月17日 — The 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia has become the most expensive World Cup in history, with its cost standing at more than US$ 13 billion.


The2018FIFAWorldCupwasthe21stFIFAWorldCup,thequadrennialworldchampionshipfornationalfootballteamsorganizedbyFIFA.,Refereesandassistantrefereesedit;AFC·MohammedAbdullaHassanMohamed(UnitedArabEmirates),MohamedAlHammadi(UnitedArabEmirates)HasanAlMahri( ...,WorldCup2018.Final.France·4:2·Croatia,15.07.18·WorldCup2018.Thirdplaceplay-off.Belgium·2:0·England,14.07.18·WorldCup2018.Semi-finals ...,2024...