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Vanced microG for Android

評分 4.3 (424) · 免費 · Android With the app, you can sync your account with the modified app and save information such as your history, subscriptions, or where you left off watching a video.

How to install microG from F-Droid for OGYouTube?

So no, you can't just install MicroG from FDroid and make it work. You need to unlock your device, flash a recovery and use a flashable zip like ...

microG For OGYouTube Apk Download (Latest Version)

MicroG for OG is needed for the functioning of the OG YouTube program as it's the program that fixes bugs and supply upgrades to keep your application updated ...


The best method to download and update components of the microG Project is to use our F-Droid repositories. It currently provides stable and nightly updates.

MicroG - Open

MicroG is an open-source project that aims to provide a free and privacy-friendly alternative to the Google Play Services framework on Android devices.

microG for OGYT 0.2.4-81-gb1e98ea-dirty (Android 2.3+)

I have micro g installed.I have uninstalled and reinstalled different versions including microg, checked all permissions, cleared data, cache.

microG for OGYT (APK) - Review & Download

Category General; Program license Free; Version; Size 11 MB; Works under: Android; Package name; Program by OGMods.

Vanced microG APK for Android

This app enables you to run the OG version of YouTube smoothly and provides updates to keep your application updated to the latest version.

OGYouTube for Android

評分 4.1 (459) · 免費 · Android OGYouTube is a very unique YouTube client that lets you download any video from YouTube directly to the memory of your Android device.

OGYouTube APK Download for Android Free

評分 8.1/10 (277) · 免費 · Android · OGYouTube, an alternative to YouTube's official app with plenty of extra functions, including the possibility to download videos to Android.


評分4.3(424)·免費·AndroidWiththeapp,youcansyncyouraccountwiththemodifiedappandsaveinformationsuchasyourhistory,subscriptions,orwhereyouleftoffwatchingavideo.,Sono,youcan'tjustinstallMicroGfromFDroidandmakeitwork.Youneedtounlockyourdevice,flasharecoveryanduseaflashableziplike ...,MicroGforOGisneededforthefunctioningoftheOGYouTubeprogramasit'stheprogramthatfixesbugsandsupplyupgradestokeepyourapp...