

OmniFocus is a personal task manager by the Omni Group for macOS and iOS. The declared goal of the program is to be able to capture thoughts and ideas into ...

OmniFocus 3 Blog

OmniFocus 3 adds power and flexibility — while also making it easier to get started and easier to work the way you want to work. … #Design ...

Blowing Up Your Workflow with OmniFocus 3

For one, you can manually sort items within a tag, which is handy for a shortlist of your day's tasks. Secondly, OmniFocus 3 Pro lets you specify a “Today” tag ...

OmniFocus 3

This course, combined with Start Smart with OmniFocus 3, covers most of OmniFocus' features and settings and introduces best practices to support you in making ...

用OmniFocus 3 完成了上千个任务后,我总结出了这些经验

OmniFocus 3 的标签系统可以在自带功能的基础上添加更多的附加元素,从而在设定过滤器的时候更加准确地过滤出符合的任务。基于此目的,可以根据需求设定出 ...

OmniFocus 3 的五大改变,都是为了让你更自由地做任务管理

在OmniFocus 3 中,动作界面中新增了「通知」属性,终于可以为每个动作单独设置闹钟提醒,不仅不需要占用截止日期,而且可以一口气设置多个闹钟。在你为动作 ...

Buy OmniFocus for Mac, iOS, and the Web

Buy OmniFocus: Task management software for busy professionals that helps them accomplish more every day.

Task Management Software Built For Pros

OmniFocus is powerful task management software for busy professionals. With tools to help tame the chaos, you can focus on the right tasks at the right time. OmniFocus Features · OmniFocus Release Notes · Pricing · Specs

OmniFocus 3 for Mac Released

OmniFocus 3 for Mac is now shipping! It's free to download, and it offers a two-week free trial. Read all about it on the OmniFocus ...

OmniFocus 4.5.3 强大的任务管理软件- 精品MAC应用分享

OmniFocus 整合了提醒事项、日程、备注注释这些基础的管理功能,而且从事务驱动的层面给予了更多的选择,可以基于分类、时间线、完成度、截至日期、执行 ...


OmniFocusisapersonaltaskmanagerbytheOmniGroupformacOSandiOS.Thedeclaredgoaloftheprogramistobeabletocapturethoughtsandideasinto ...,OmniFocus3addspowerandflexibility—whilealsomakingiteasiertogetstartedandeasiertoworkthewayyouwanttowork.…#Design ...,Forone,youcanmanuallysortitemswithinatag,whichishandyforashortlistofyourday'stasks.Secondly,OmniFocus3Proletsyouspecifya“Today”tag ...,Thiscourse,co...