
在App Store 上的「OneTouch Reveal® app」

評分 4.7 (653) · 免費 · iOS The app seamlessly syncs data with the OneTouch Verio Reflect™ meter and the OneTouch Flex® meters to change the way you see your blood glucose. Helps you ...

OneTouch Reveal® app on the App Store

評分 4.8 (146,049) · 免費 · iOS · The OneTouch Reveal app can be used to track information from blood glucose meters to support diabetes management.


IMPORTANT: in order to enable one-touch dialing from the CLINiC, the contact name must be first name: auto, last name: dial. Adjusting Audio Gain. You can ...

[CR] [CR] App ฝึกฟังภาษาอังกฤษ OneTouch Listening Clinic ฟรี

มีหัวข้อให้เลือกด้วยครับ ว่าอยากเรียนรู้หัวข้อไหน พอเข้าไป เราต้องกดลำโพงรอบนึง (หรือหลายรอบก็ได้) แล้วเราก็จิ้มเรียงประโยคว่ามันพูด ...

OneTouch Reveal® web app for professionals

The OneTouch Reveal web application offers features such as reporting, clinic management, and remote patient device data transfer.

Getting started with your OneTouch Reveal ® Clinic Account

Here you can find your step-by-step guide to setting up and using the OneTouch Reveal web app. Encourage your patients to activate their accounts.

血糖檢測儀套裝的血糖試紙(2 盒,各60 片糖病試紙)

供應中 評分 4.7 (983) 可靠的讀數:使用OneTouch Ultra 試紙完成您的糖病測試套件。 您可以放心使用這些血糖試紙獲得可靠的讀數。 ​ 包括2 個盒子,每個60 個試紙; 對每個樣品進行雙重檢查: ...


2. OneTouch Listening Clinic. 廣告-請繼續往下閱讀. 這個App主要專攻發音的「連音」部分。內容共分三程度:Primitive、Intermediate 和Complex(初 ...

穩豪智優型血糖機ONETOUCH® Ultra Plus FIex™ Meter

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OneTouch Health

OneTouch is a single, multi-functional Care Management System which allows care providers to manage every aspect of their client and operational needs.


評分4.7(653)·免費·iOSTheappseamlesslysyncsdatawiththeOneTouchVerioReflect™meterandtheOneTouchFlex®meterstochangethewayyouseeyourbloodglucose.Helpsyou ...,評分4.8(146,049)·免費·iOS·TheOneTouchRevealappcanbeusedtotrackinformationfrombloodglucosemeterstosupportdiabetesmanagement.,IMPORTANT:inordertoenableone-touchdialingfromtheCLINiC,thecontactnamemustbefirstname:auto,lastname:dial.AdjustingAudio...