

OpenStack是一个云操作系统,通过数据中心可控制大型的计算、存储、网络等资源池。所有的管理通过前端界面管理员就可以完成,同样也可以通过web接口让最终用户部署资源。 想 ... OpenStack API Documentation · OpenStack Installation Guide...

OpenStack Hosted Private Cloud Free Trial

OpenMetal currently offers two ways to access free trials: a Self-Serve short-term 8 hour trial, and a long term PoC trial for up to 30 days.


This application requires JavaScript to be enabled in your web browser. Explore the new AMS2 region! Kickstart your project today! Log in. Domain. TransIP.


在我們的論文中,我們著重探討在Openstack上之VNF的HA。我們提出了一個利用與HA相關的各種open software,並且配合shell script在虛擬機器(Virtual Machine, VM)上實現VNF的 ...

Install OpenStack yourself on Ubuntu.

Install OpenStack yourself. Try OpenStack in five simple steps. Set up a small-scale cloud or deploy a large cluster across hundreds of physical machines.

Learn OpenStack With Online Courses and Programs

Learn OpenStack with online courses and programs. Use OpenStack to build public and private clouds. Dive into the wide range of components available.


OpenStack is an open source cloud computing infrastructure software project and is one of the three most active open source projects in the world.


OpenStack 是採用集中式虛擬資源來建構及管理私有雲和公有雲的開放原始碼平台,而構成OpenStack 平台的各項工具則稱為「專案」,負責處理運算、網路、 ...


OpenStack是一个云操作系统,通过数据中心可控制大型的计算、存储、网络等资源池。所有的管理通过前端界面管理员就可以完成,同样也可以通过web接口让最终用户部署资源。想 ...OpenStackAPIDocumentation·OpenStackInstallationGuide...,OpenMetalcurrentlyofferstwowaystoaccessfreetrials:aSelf-Serveshort-term8hourtrial,andalongtermPoCtrialforupto30days.,ThisapplicationrequiresJavaScripttobeenabledinyourwebbrowse...