
OOo4Kids for Windows

Full Specifications ; GENERAL. Release: October 23, 2009 ; OPERATING SYSTEMS. Platform: Windows ; POPULARITY. Total Downloads: 2,741.

OOo4Kids for Mac

OOo4kids is a complete office suite based on the OpenOffice.org project especially designed for kids between 7-12 years. The software is available in ...


2014年3月3日 — In OOo4Kids, you get a fullfledged productivity suite that can be used for homework, to create charts, and even presentations. What we like is ...


2023年5月22日 — OOo4Kids includes four different programs: a word processor, a vector drawing program, a presentation editor and a spreadsheet, with which your ...

OOo4Kids for Windows

OOo4Kids (standing for OpenOffice.org for kids) is an excellent and free office suite specially developed for students. This suite is based in the original ...

OOo4Kids, the office suite for all children... and their parents

OOo4Kids is a special version of OpenOffice.org (the popular, free and easy to use alternative to Microsoft Office) which is very interesting and useful not ...

Scale O Oo4 Kids

2010年2月24日 — OOo4Kids is a project to create a lightweight version of OpenOffice.org dedicated for children ages 7-12 to use on older or less powerful ...


2009年11月21日 — A Complete Guide To The Best Times To Post On Social Media (And More!) TrackMaven. 3.2M views•29 slides.


FullSpecifications;GENERAL.Release:October23,2009;OPERATINGSYSTEMS.Platform:Windows;POPULARITY.TotalDownloads:2,741.,OOo4kidsisacompleteofficesuitebasedontheOpenOffice.orgprojectespeciallydesignedforkidsbetween7-12years.Thesoftwareisavailablein ...,2014年3月3日—InOOo4Kids,yougetafullfledgedproductivitysuitethatcanbeusedforhomework,tocreatecharts,andevenpresentations.Whatwelikeis ...,2023年5月2...