
Open In IINA – Get this Extension for Firefox (en

評分 4.8 (21) · 免費 · Open In IINA by Collider LI. Open videos and audios in IINA. You'll need Firefox to use this extension. Download Firefox and get the extension.

Open In IINA

Open videos and audios in IINA. This add-on only supports IINA 1.0.0 beta 4 or later versions. In 2.0.1, we fixed the following issue: ...

Open In IINA

Open videos and audios in IINA. This add-on only supports IINA 1.0.0 beta 4 or later versions. In 2.0.1, we fixed the following issue: - IINA not working in ...


Open url in IINA directly from Alfred or Raycast. Contribute to eutialia/open-in-iina development by creating an account on GitHub.

iinaiina: The modern video player for macOS.

Based on mpv, which provides the best decoding capacity on macOS; Designed with modern versions of macOS (10.15+) in mind; All the features you need for ...

Download | IINA

You can open various online media in IINA directly from web browsers by using our browser extensions.


Powered by the open source media player mpv, IINA can play almost every media file you have. With the support of youtube-dl and our browser extensions, you can ...

IINA for Mac上免費開源萬用影音播放器

裝完後,其實mac就找的到iina播放器了,也可以輸入open打開iina。 $ open -a IINA. 以上安裝完成後,列出幾個自己覺的很讚的功能給大家參考參考.

IINA 免費功能強大的Mac 影音播放器功能技巧介紹,媲美PotPlayer

本篇採用Chrome 當範例操作,透過Chrome 瀏覽器點擊連結後,會跳至Open In IINA 安裝擴充功能頁面,點選右上角「+ 加到CHROME」安裝起來。 IINA 8. 步驟2. 開啟YouTube 影片 ...


評分4.8(21)·免費·OpenInIINAbyColliderLI.OpenvideosandaudiosinIINA.You'llneedFirefoxtousethisextension.DownloadFirefoxandgettheextension.,OpenvideosandaudiosinIINA.Thisadd-ononlysupportsIINA1.0.0beta4orlaterversions.In2.0.1,wefixedthefollowingissue: ...,OpenvideosandaudiosinIINA.Thisadd-ononlysupportsIINA1.0.0beta4orlaterversions.In2.0.1,wefixedthefollowingissue:-IINAnotworkingin ...,OpenurlinI...