How to view and edit spreadsheet files such xlsx and csv in VSCode

FreeExcelViewer,asthetitlesuggests,isacost-freeproductivityprogramthatallowsyoutoopenandedityourExceldocuments.Itisasmallalternative ...,SpreadsheetViewerisadeveloper-friendlyJavaScripttoolthatletsyouruserspreviewExcelfileswithoutleavingyourwebap...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Free Excel Viewer

Free Excel Viewer, as the title suggests, is a cost-free productivity program that allows you to open and edit your Excel documents. It is a small alternative ...


Spreadsheet Viewer is a developer-friendly JavaScript tool that lets your users preview Excel files without leaving your web app.

下載最新的線上Excel Viewer

最新版Microsoft Excel Viewer 可以讀取所有Excel 版本的檔案格式。 它取代了Microsoft Excel Viewer 2003。 ... Excel Viewer 僅作為32 位應用程式提供。

Download the latest online Excel Viewer

The Microsoft Excel Viewer was retired in April, 2018. It no longer is available for download or receives security updates. To continue viewing ...

ExcelViewer (Freeware) download

評分 5.0 (1) · 免費 · Windows · Free to use Excel viewer, which can view, save and print excel, comma separated and tab separated file formats.

Sheet Viewer

Show only the sheet, keep important data always visible, make the sheet translucent, auto reload of the Excel file, get notified when Excel file changed.

Home | LibreOffice - Free and private office suite

LibreOffice is a private, free and open source office suite – the successor project to OpenOffice. It's compatible with Microsoft Office/365 files.

Apache OpenOffice - Official Site

The official home page of the Apache OpenOffice open source project, home of OpenOffice Writer, Calc, Impress, Draw and Base.

Open source app for viewing docx, xlsx and spreadsheet

I've recently installed collabora office it seems to be a little slow and buggy, are there any other open source app for viewing docx, xlsx and spreadsheets.

Download The Best Offline Excel File Viewer for Free

WPS Office is a free xls reader that has a lot of useful features for both personal and business use.


FreeExcelViewer,asthetitlesuggests,isacost-freeproductivityprogramthatallowsyoutoopenandedityourExceldocuments.Itisasmallalternative ...,SpreadsheetViewerisadeveloper-friendlyJavaScripttoolthatletsyouruserspreviewExcelfileswithoutleavingyourwebapp.,最新版MicrosoftExcelViewer可以讀取所有Excel版本的檔案格式。它取代了MicrosoftExcelViewer2003。...ExcelViewer僅作為32位應用程式提供。,TheMicrosoftExc...