
Open with Soda Player Extension for Chrome

Open with Soda Player is a free Accessibility Extension for Chrome. You could download the latest version crx file and install it.

Open with Soda Player

Open with Soda Player is a Chrome extension that allows you to easily open videos from web pages, embedded videos, magnet links, and more.

Open With SodaPlayer – Get this Extension for Firefox (en

Right click any link or selection and click 'Play Link with SodaPlayer' · Click the Soda icon in browser toolbar and click the link that you want ...

Soda Player 1.1 Download (Free)

Soda Player is a video player that allows you to open and play magnet links and torrent files instantly.

Soda Player 1.4.2

直接播放BT種子影片- Soda Player,直接開啟BT種子(*.torrent)播放影片,同時支援磁力連結(Magnet URI scheme)、AceStream連結,可以像播放線上影片一樣, ...

Soda Player 1.4.2 Free Download

評分 5.0 (2) · 免費 Open and play magnet links and torrent files instantly. Supports DHT, PEX, UDP trackers and all other key BitTorrent technologies to give you maximum speed.

Soda Player Download (2025 Latest)

Soda Player enables you to easily stream torrent videos and movies minus the download requirement - simple, fast video streaming.

Soda Player Quickly Streams Torrent Videos and Movies

You simply drag n' drop a file and then go or quickly open a torrent or video file. It includes support for all formats and codecs, DHT, PEX, UDP trackers ...

SodaPlayer is gone? Any other good alternative to this player that is ...

Do you know VLC can stream torrents and then cast? Soda player was incredible for that.

[OPEN BETA] Soda Player, a modern player app

The app can play local, web and Bittorrent video files in all formats instantly. The app embeds its own custom VPN that is used to ...


OpenwithSodaPlayerisafreeAccessibilityExtensionforChrome.Youcoulddownloadthelatestversioncrxfileandinstallit.,OpenwithSodaPlayerisaChromeextensionthatallowsyoutoeasilyopenvideosfromwebpages,embeddedvideos,magnetlinks,andmore.,Rightclickanylinkorselectionandclick'PlayLinkwithSodaPlayer'·ClicktheSodaiconinbrowsertoolbarandclickthelinkthatyouwant ...,SodaPlayerisavideoplayerthatallowsyoutoopenand...