IdidtryreinstallingPython(still3.8.6)andchangedOpenCVversionto4.5.0(from4.5.1)butstillnoluck.PerhapsaWindowsordriver ...,TheMSVCP140.dllandother140'sarethelibrariesfromthevisualstudio2015,socheckifyouradditionallinkerpathspointto[opencv ...,Thepr...。參考影片的文章的如下:


DLL load failed while importing cv2

I did try reinstalling Python (still 3.8.6) and changed OpenCV version to 4.5.0 (from 4.5.1) but still no luck. Perhaps a Windows or driver ...

Link fails in 64bit Windows 10 and VS 2013 edit

The MSVCP140.dll and other 140's are the libraries from the visual studio 2015, so check if your additional linker paths point to [opencv ...

MSVCP140.dll missing in VS2013 + Win7

The problem is that your OpenCV was compiled with another Visual Studio compiler (2015). With the redistributables you will get the release version of the dll, ...


msvcp140.dll是一个动态链接库(DLL)文件,它提供了C++程序在运行时需要使用的标准C++函数和类。这些是由Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable提供的 ...

OpenCV dll loading order seems wrong, resulting in ...

When loading the dll files for opencv the loader tries to load: concrt140.dll msvcp140.dll vcruntime140.dll before all the api-ms-win dlls, ...

Opencv throwing dll error when trying to open image using cv ...

I'm trying to make opencv open a image i have saved on my computer and display it in a window. But my visual studio compiler keeps throwing this excpetion.

VS2013编译通过,但调试缺少MSVCP140.dll #7

VS2013编译通过,但调试缺少MSVCP140.dll。 现在C++程序依赖的opencv版本是opencv3.3,请问是需要安装VS2015吗? 尝试网上的方法都没解决。


msvcp140.dll 版本错误(32/64bit) 导致opencv 程序出错。 完美解决ImportError: Could not find 'cudart64_90.dll'. TensorFlow requires that this DLL ...


msvcp140.dll是一个动态链接库文件,它是Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable的一部分。这个文件包含了许多用于运行C++程序的函数。当计算机缺少 ...

问使用cv::imshow c++试图打开图像时Opencv抛出dll错误

在Pixel_analisys.exe: 0xC0000005:访问冲突读取位置0x0000021037BD 4000中在0x00007FF80A2012DB (vcruntime140.dll)引发的异常。 我试图更改文件位置, ...


IdidtryreinstallingPython(still3.8.6)andchangedOpenCVversionto4.5.0(from4.5.1)butstillnoluck.PerhapsaWindowsordriver ...,TheMSVCP140.dllandother140'sarethelibrariesfromthevisualstudio2015,socheckifyouradditionallinkerpathspointto[opencv ...,TheproblemisthatyourOpenCVwascompiledwithanotherVisualStudiocompiler(2015).Withtheredistributablesyouwillgetthereleaseversionofthedll, ...,msvcp140.dll是一...

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