

OpenEmu is an open-source multi-system video game emulator designed for macOS. It provides a plugin interface to emulate numerous consoles' hardware.

OpenEmuOpenEmu: Retro video game emulation for macOS

OpenEmu is an open-source project whose purpose is to bring macOS game emulation into the realm of first-class citizenship. The project leverages modern ...

OS X 上最強遊戲模擬器前端OpenEmu

雖然說模擬器本身光使用都是一種技術,但是為什麼在Mac 上不能用得更類似Mac 的思維一點呢?終於,現在這個OpenEmu 計劃寫了一個前端,將多個模擬器 ...

Download OpenEmu for Mac

With OpenEmu, it is extremely easy to add, browse, organize and with a compatible gamepad, play those favorite games (ROMs) you already own.


With OpenEmu, it is extremely easy to add, browse, organize and with a compatible gamepad, play those favorite games (ROMs) you already own. Download Now v2.4.1.

OpenEmu 2.4.1 Release Notes

OpenEmu v2.4. This long-awaited release contains many bug fixes, performance improvements, compatibility for later macOS, localization updates, framework ...

OpenEmu 最強Mac 遊戲模擬器支援高達30 種以上主機,還能外接手 ...

這款OpenEmu 是我最近發現到非常強大的遊戲模擬器Mac 版,它集結幾乎所有經典遊戲機的核心,從大家都知道Altari、Famicom、Game ...

OpenEmu Multi-System Emulator Setup Guide for Mac

Download openemu https://openemu.org/ Support my Patreon https://www.patreon.com/urcasualgamer #emulation #emulator #openemu.

在Mac OS 上玩街机(强大的模拟器OpenEmu)

macOS Monterey 版本12.6.3. 1.安装OpenEmu. OpenEmu下载地址:http://openemu.org/; 下载最新版本( ...


OpenEmuisanopen-sourcemulti-systemvideogameemulatordesignedformacOS.Itprovidesaplugininterfacetoemulatenumerousconsoles'hardware.,OpenEmuisanopen-sourceprojectwhosepurposeistobringmacOSgameemulationintotherealmoffirst-classcitizenship.Theprojectleveragesmodern ...,雖然說模擬器本身光使用都是一種技術,但是為什麼在Mac上不能用得更類似Mac的思維一點呢?終於,現在這個OpenEmu計劃寫了一個前端,將多個模...