
a serendipitous gift from the openemu godsdevs: super nes cd

a very basic “how-to” for using msu-1 content with openemu. first, you're going to need to grab the patch your super nintendo (or super famicom, ...


With OpenEmu, it is extremely easy to add, browse, organize and with a compatible gamepad, play those favorite games (ROMs) you already own.

OpenEmu 2.2.1 Release Notes

Improved support for Nintendo Switch Pro Controller, including automatic analog calibration and support for USB connectivity. Improved support for USB Audio ...

OpenEmu Emulator for SNES on Mac OS X

OpenEmu is one of the best emulators on Mac OS. With a great UI and several emulators and platforms to choose from, it should definitely be your number one ...

Play retro games on Mac using OpenEmu (SNES, GBA, PS1 etc)

Download OpenEmu for Mac: https://openemu.org Get a PS5 DualSense controller: https://geni.us/psdualsensecontroller ▻ Links: Master M1 game ...

Releases · OpenEmuSNES9x-Core

OpenEmu Core plugin with SNES9x to support SNES emulation - Releases · OpenEmu/SNES9x-Core.

SNES Retropie save to OpenEmu

Hi folks, I can find info on moving OpenEmu saves to Retropie, but what is the process moving the other way, from a Retropie save (SNES game ...

SNES ROMs FREE - Super Nintendo ROMs

These free Super Nintendo ROMs include top games that are popular among users like Super Mario World and Donkey Kong Country (V1.2). Super Nintendo (SNES) ROMs · Super Mario All-Stars + Super... · Super Metroid

誰說Mac沒遊戲?一個OpenEmu 就可玩GB、PS、PSP、N64 等遊戲!

現在程式更新至2.0版本,帶來16種新的遊戲主機模擬,包括Nintendo 64、Sony PlayStation 1、PSP、ColecoVision、Intellivision等等,對於不少人來講,舊遊戲的 ...


averybasic“how-to”forusingmsu-1contentwithopenemu.first,you'regoingtoneedtograbthepatchyoursupernintendo(orsuperfamicom, ...,WithOpenEmu,itisextremelyeasytoadd,browse,organizeandwithacompatiblegamepad,playthosefavoritegames(ROMs)youalreadyown.,ImprovedsupportforNintendoSwitchProController,includingautomaticanalogcalibrationandsupportforUSBconnectivity.ImprovedsupportforUSBAudio ...,OpenEmuison...