Complete PS2 HDD & OPL Setup Guide... PLAY PS2 ...



【心得】有效改善天外在Windows 10 Lag情形

1. Windows 7也可以使用本方法 · 2. 由於本改善方法是使用Directx11硬體加速,故太舊的顯卡與內建顯示可能無法使用,使用前先確認一下電腦硬體是否支援.

Lag when downloading files - Community Boards

We switched to alternate download servers, so the lag should be much better now. If still lagging experience, please report back, thank you.

[教學] Openload 影片下載

若下載速度慢也可善用Free Download Manager (簡稱:FDM),點選上圖一齒輪圖示-> 下載-> 網路-> 同時執行最大下載數10 (此部分依據網路速度彈性調整,數字太大可能吃滿頻寬), ...


ExitLag ensures better and faster connection routes to game servers, eliminating connection issues with a single button press. Download · Pricing 50% OFF · Login · Free Trial

[問題] megoopenload超慢,GD正常- 看板Free_box

電腦用手機4g wifi 用so-net簡易測速上行1.49mbps 下載26.75mbps 上mega,跑不過300k,openload更慘最高34k,最低0 然後GD是2.5-3m左右.

[問題] OPENLOAD有問題嗎? - 看板Free_box

我怎麼都連不上網頁顯示無法連上這個網站JD顯示無法從這個主機下載是我的問題嗎? 我是種花固網.

Problems with Openload : r9anime

If you whitelisted any other domains, it could be that one of them source of a script that causes openload to slow down. I'd advice you to ...

Video lag on Chrome but on Firefox no! : ropenload

Hello,. when I use openload on chrome the video continues to stop (lag), while on firefox it does not stop and the video is fluid, why?

What Happened to

Before its official release, the Openload team had worked a lot on the server storage, the website infrastructure, and lag-free video streaming, ...


openload的速度很慢怎么回事. 写回答有奖励. 提交优质回答,最高可获得现金3元. 查看规则. 收起有奖发布. 取消 确定. 添加2019关键词. 选择举报类型. 侵犯版权.



File & Image Uploader 8.5.0 免費空間批次上傳

File & Image Uploader 8.5.0 免費空間批次上傳


Neembuu Uploader 3.5.0 免空上傳省時!省力!

Neembuu Uploader 3.5.0 免空上傳省時!省力!
