Swift Multi-region

Here'showwedeployedamulti-regionOpenStackSwiftDeploymenttostoresomehighlysensitivedataforoneofourclients.,Here,OpenStackregion'RegionOne'correspondstostorageregion'1',andOpenStackregion'RegionTwo'correspondstostorageregion'2'.Deploy ...,Asofthe20...。參考影片的文章的如下:


OpenStack Swift Deployment

Here's how we deployed a multi-region OpenStack Swift Deployment to store some highly sensitive data for one of our clients.

Swift — charm-deployment

Here, OpenStack region 'RegionOne' corresponds to storage region '1', and OpenStack region 'RegionTwo' corresponds to storage region '2'. Deploy ...

OpenStack Docs: Appendix R

As of the 20.02 charm release, with OpenStack Newton or later, support for a multi-region (global) cluster, which is an extension of the single- ...

Global Clusters

We will assume a two-region Swift cluster: region 1 in San Francisco (SF), and region 2 in New York (NY). Each region shall contain within it 3 zones.

Swift 安裝與設定· OpenStack Newton 安裝for Ubuntu

OpenStack Swift 提供多租戶物件儲存服務,其具備高可擴展性,並利用RESTful HTTP API 來對大量非結構化資料進行存取與管理。 部署前系統環境 ...

OpenStack Swift storage region options | Veritas™

You may use the cloud storage region that is geographically closest to the NetBackup media server that sends the backups to the cloud. Contact ...

Accessing OpenStack Swift from Spark

Spark's support for Hadoop InputFormat allows it to process data in OpenStack Swift using the same URI formats as in Hadoop.

creating rings with regions openstack swift

I solved the problem. I actually had installed swift from ubuntu repositories on Ubuntu 12.04 . The problem is that only swift 1.4.8 is ...


The OpenStack Object Store project, known as Swift, offers cloud storage software so that you can store and retrieve lots of data with a simple API. It's built ... Swift/ObjectSystemMetadata · Swift/API · Swift/HighLatencyMedia · Swift


Here'showwedeployedamulti-regionOpenStackSwiftDeploymenttostoresomehighlysensitivedataforoneofourclients.,Here,OpenStackregion'RegionOne'correspondstostorageregion'1',andOpenStackregion'RegionTwo'correspondstostorageregion'2'.Deploy ...,Asofthe20.02charmrelease,withOpenStackNewtonorlater,supportforamulti-region(global)cluster,whichisanextensionofthesingle- ...,Wewillassumeatwo-regionSwiftclust...