

OpenStack Docs

OpenStack is a cloud operating system that controls large pools of compute, storage, and networking resources throughout a datacenter.

OpenStack Installation Guide

The OpenStack project is provided under the Apache 2.0 license. is powered by Rackspace Cloud Computing. OpenStack packages for... · Install OpenStack services · Get started with OpenStack

OpenStack Docs

OpenStack is a cloud operating system that controls large pools of compute, storage, and networking resources throughout a datacenter. OpenStack Releases · OpenStack 2024.2 Projects · 2024.2 Installation Guides


欢迎访问OpenStack文档. OpenStack是什么? OpenStack是一个云操作系统,通过数据中心可控制大型的计算、存储、网络等资源池。所有的管理通过前端界面管理员就可以完成, ... OpenStack API Documentation · OpenStack Installation Guide...

OpenStack Releases

OpenStack is developed and released around 6-month cycles. After the initial release, additional stable point releases will be released in each release series. Stable Branches · 2025.1 Epoxy · Nova · Cinder

Openstack官网文档简介- bjtime

提供API的详细说明,如API命令的字段名字,类型,取值等等。Metadata和extra specs相关的内容可以在这里查找。

[PDF] OpenStack部署指南

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OpenStack is an open source cloud computing infrastructure software project and is one of the three most active open source projects in the world.


OpenStack relies on the underlying operating system and hypervisor — and what better operating system to build on than the industry's leading enterprise ...


OpenStack是一個自由、開源的雲端運算平台。它主要作為基礎設施即服務(IaaS)部署在公用雲和私有雲中,提供虛擬伺服器和其他資源給使用者使用。該軟體平台由相互關聯的 ...