

Open vSwitch Setup: A Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Download OVS Binaries · Step 2: Extract Files · Step 3: Build Open vSwitch · Step 4: Run the configuration script · Step 5: Make and Install.

Open vSwitch on Linux, FreeBSD and NetBSD

This document describes how to build and install Open vSwitch on a generic Linux, FreeBSD, or NetBSD host.

Open vSwitch on Windows

One approach is to compile Open vSwitch in a MinGW environment that contains autoconf and automake utilities and then use Visual C++ as a compiler and linker.

Installing Open vSwitch

A collection of guides detailing how to install Open vSwitch in a variety of different environments and using different configurations. Open vSwitch with DPDK · Open vSwitch on Windows · Open vSwitch on Linux

OVS编译· SDN指南

OVS编译. Build OVS. 直接源码编译安装; 编译RPM包; 编译deb包; 参考文档. Build OVS. 直接源码编译安装. export OVS_VERSION=2.6.1 export OVS_DIR=/usr/src/ovs ...

openvswitch-2.6.1-originalINSTALL.md at master · licko ...

To compile the userspace programs in the Open vSwitch distribution, you will need the following software: GNU make. A C compiler, such as: GCC 4.x.

openvswitchINSTALL at master

To compile the userspace programs in the Open vSwitch distribution,. you will need the following software: - A make program, e.g. GNU make. BSD make should ...

SDN 學習Day3-安裝Openvswitch(OVS)

加上OVS方便管理和設定VM網路,對其他Virtual Switch也提供相當好的支援度。 先去OVS官方:http://openvswitch.org/. 依照下面步驟 tar zxvf openvswitch-2.3.0.tar.gz ...

編譯Open vSwitch v2.7.0 on Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS | by John

注意在Configuring 的時候,給的選項是 --with-linux 並指定kernel build directory 的位置,原因是我們要編譯出Linux kernel module 這樣一來我們就可以 ...

