Vitas_Opera #2 (俄文+中文字幕)

Theslammingdoorsymbolizesanabruptendtocompanionshiporaphaseinlife,whiletheautumnwindknockingatthewindowandthetearsthatfollowsuggesta ...,《Opera2》是由Vitas作词,Vitas作曲,Vitas演唱的歌曲,该歌曲收录于Vitas2002年发行的专辑《TancevalniyMarafon》...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Meaning of OPERA #2 (Vitas)

The slamming door symbolizes an abrupt end to companionship or a phase in life, while the autumn wind knocking at the window and the tears that follow suggest a ...

Opera 2_百度百科

《Opera 2》是由Vitas作词,Vitas作曲,Vitas演唱的歌曲,该歌曲收录于Vitas2002年发行的专辑《Tancevalniy Marafon》中。

Russian Song – Opera 2 by Vitas

2009年7月19日 — One of my friends introduced me to the music of a Russian singer called Vitas. I liked very much, his song called 'Opera 2'.


The Solitude of Success in 'Opera #2'. English translation: My house is built, but I'm alone in it / The door slammed behind my back / Autumn wind knocks on ...


English translation of lyrics for Opera 2 by VITAS.

Vitas之俄國歌曲Опера 2 歌劇2+羅馬字拼音+翻譯中譯+俄文 ...

2018年3月12日 — Vitas之俄國歌曲Опера 2 歌劇2+羅馬字拼音+翻譯中譯+俄文進修@ 林... 未分類 ... 中文,請各人欣賞翻譯. Слова(Slova作詞):-. 歌劇2. Vitas之俄國歌曲 ...

Витас (Vitas)

[Verse 1] My house is built, but inside it I'm all alone. Door has been shut behind my back. Autumn's wind is knocking at the window

Опера 2 (Opera 2) (English translation)

The autumn wind knocks my window,. It cries for me again. It's my destiny & I can't do anything with this.


Theslammingdoorsymbolizesanabruptendtocompanionshiporaphaseinlife,whiletheautumnwindknockingatthewindowandthetearsthatfollowsuggesta ...,《Opera2》是由Vitas作词,Vitas作曲,Vitas演唱的歌曲,该歌曲收录于Vitas2002年发行的专辑《TancevalniyMarafon》中。,2009年7月19日—OneofmyfriendsintroducedmetothemusicofaRussiansingercalledVitas.Ilikedverymuch,hissongcalled'Opera2'.,TheSolitudeofSuccessin'Opera#2...