TOP WIN on Gates of Olympus 1000! Zeus get X1000 ...

第二招:OperaMax(更新UI跟功能了!)之前在手機板閒晃時看到巴友分享此...擋App廣告並移除空位(需Xposed框架).=YoutubeAdaway.擋Youtube ...,擋App廣告並移除空位(需Xposed框架).=YoutubeAdaway.擋Youtube...之前看到operamax剛上架的時候就立刻抓來用了可是不知道...。參考影片的文章的如下:



第二招:Opera Max(更新UI跟功能了!) 之前在手機板閒晃時看到巴友分享此 ... 擋App 廣告並移除空位(需Xposed 框架). = Youtube Adaway. 擋Youtube ...


擋App 廣告並移除空位(需Xposed 框架). = Youtube Adaway. 擋Youtube ... 之前看到opera max剛上架的時候就立刻抓來用了可是不知道是因為剛出還是 ...

Opera Max not working

I've had a problem where emails and web pages are not loading correctly and an app to get my three mobile balance failing to login with the Opera Max VPN ...

Issue #155 · rovo89Xposed - boot twice?

Sorry, please be more clear. I don't understand anything. What exactly did you do, what is the link to the logcat, what is even the problem?

Android Repository

Contains unity installer that will dynamically install proper xposed version for all devices supported by official xposed framework and material apk by ...

[Request] Remove the VPN key icon and warning : rxposed

I've looked into gravity box under remove active notification and it doesn't appear there. I'm using Opera max to save/compress mobile data and

Trick Opera Max Wechat + Install Xposed Framework

Trick Opera Max Wechat + Install Xposed Framework. 2.2K views · 9 years ago ...more. Jee Arifin. 983. Subscribe.

[Q] VPN apps don't work with Xposed

After I had uninstalled xposed installer, I installed Opera Max. After this, I installed Xposed installer. Then, Vpn App works well. I confirmed ...

[Mod][Xposed] Status Bar Cleanup [LP-MM]

This is my first Xposed Module and XDA-thread so please be gentle. :) I have created a module that allows you to hide certain status bar icons.

Xposed Installer针对于Android

評分 4.3 (91) · 免費 · Android Xposed Installer允许你对安卓设备的操作系统进行微调。一方面,这种调整非常细微,系统重启后仍会继续工作;另一方面,这种调整非常重要,能够最大化设备功能。


第二招:OperaMax(更新UI跟功能了!)之前在手機板閒晃時看到巴友分享此...擋App廣告並移除空位(需Xposed框架).=YoutubeAdaway.擋Youtube ...,擋App廣告並移除空位(需Xposed框架).=YoutubeAdaway.擋Youtube...之前看到operamax剛上架的時候就立刻抓來用了可是不知道是因為剛出還是 ...,I'vehadaproblemwhereemailsandwebpagesarenotloadingcorrectlyandanapptogetmythreemobilebalancefailingtologinwiththeOperaMaxVPN ...,Sor...