Optus Raises Mobile Plan Prices Amid Rising Operational Costs

AllourFlexPlusplansgiveyouunlimitedstandardtalkandtextwithinAustralia,50standardinternationalSMS,200GBrolloverwhenyourechargebefore ...,LegacyPrepaidplans·PrepaidUltimatePlus.RECHARGE,$30,$40,$50·MyPrepaidUltimate.RECHARGE,$30,$40,$50·MyPrepaidDa...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Optus $2 Prepaid Mobile SIM

All our Flex Plus plans give you unlimited standard talk and text within Australia, 50 standard international SMS, 200GB rollover when you recharge before ...

Legacy Optus Prepaid Mobile Plans

Legacy Prepaid plans · Prepaid Ultimate Plus. RECHARGE, $30, $40, $50 · My Prepaid Ultimate. RECHARGE, $30, $40, $50 · My Prepaid Daily. $1 A DAY, $1.50 A DAY ...

Optus $160 Prepaid Mobile SIM

Choose an Optus $160 Prepaid SIM and activate on Optus Flex Plus to receive unlimited standard national talk and text and 120GB Data.

Optus Prepaid Recharge

Quick and easy Prepaid recharges & add-ons. Recharge your service or buy add-ons conveniently and securely online via credit/debit card, recharge voucher or ...

$320 Prepaid Mobile SIM Plan

Choose an Optus $320 Prepaid SIM and activate on Optus Flex Plus to receive unlimited standard national talk and text and 260GB Data.

How Optus Prepaid Mobile Plans Work

Looking for a no lock-in contract option for your SIM plan? Optus provides prepaid mobile plans that are flexible in the way you use your mobile.

Optus $35 Prepaid Mobile SIM

All our Flex Plus plans give you unlimited standard talk and text within Australia, 50 standard international SMS, 200GB rollover when you recharge before ...

Prepaid SIM, Mobile Phones & Internet Plans

Optus Prepaid. $17 for 60GB + Unlimited Data Weekends. When you stay connected with AutoRecharge. Price Offer for first recharge only, ends 6/4/25. Prepaid · Prepaid Phones · Prepaid Mobile SIM Plans · $35 Prepaid SIM

Prepaid Mobile SIM Plans From $17

Prepaid SIM Plans. Unlimited data. Every weekend. From $17. For first 28 days, then $45. When you stay connected with AutoRecharge on select plans. Prepaid · Prepaid Roaming · $35 Prepaid SIM · $320 Prepaid SIM

$45 Prepaid Mobile SIM Plan

$17 ... ✓ Unlimited data every weekend with AutoRecharge. ✓ 60GB on first 3 recharges, then 30GB. ✓ Data rollover up to 200GB. ✓ Powered by Optus 4G & 5G network.


AllourFlexPlusplansgiveyouunlimitedstandardtalkandtextwithinAustralia,50standardinternationalSMS,200GBrolloverwhenyourechargebefore ...,LegacyPrepaidplans·PrepaidUltimatePlus.RECHARGE,$30,$40,$50·MyPrepaidUltimate.RECHARGE,$30,$40,$50·MyPrepaidDaily.$1ADAY,$1.50ADAY ...,ChooseanOptus$160PrepaidSIMandactivateonOptusFlexPlustoreceiveunlimitedstandardnationaltalkandtextand120GBData.,QuickandeasyP...