os x screen capture
os x screen capture


Keyboard Shortcuts to Capture a Screen Shot with Mac OS X

Tocapturetheentirescreen,pressCommand-Shift-3.ThescreenshotwillbeautomaticallysavedasaPNGfileonyourdesktopwiththefilenamestartingwith“ ...

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How to screenshot on Mac

2024年2月16日 — How do you take a screenshot of your entire screen? It's easy! Simply Press and hold Shift + Command + 3 simultaneously, and you're done.

How to take a screenshot on a Mac

How to take a screenshot on a Mac. hold down, ⌘ command, and, shift, and press, # 3, = Your Mac captures the entire screen and saves it as a file on the ...

How to screenshot on a Mac

2023年2月27日 — Pressing the 'Command', 'Shift' and '5' keys (all at the same time), will bring up the screen-capture window. Next to screen capture options, ...

5 ways to take a screenshot on a Mac computer

2022年11月3日 — To quickly take a screenshot of your entire screen on Mac, press Shift + Command + 3. You can also press Shift + Command + 4 to screenshot a ...

Keyboard Shortcuts to Capture a Screen Shot with Mac OS X

To capture the entire screen, press Command-Shift-3. The screen shot will be automatically saved as a PNG file on your desktop with the filename starting with “ ...

Taking a Screenshot on Mac

2023年5月20日 — Method 1: Cmd-Shift-3. This keyboard shortcut captures a screenshot of your entire screen. Method 2: Cmd-Shift-4.

Mac 一定要學的螢幕抓圖技巧,Screenshot cheat sheet for ...

2013年1月31日 — Mac 一定要學的螢幕抓圖技巧,Screenshot cheat sheet for Mac OS X · Command + Shift + 3 · Command + Shift + 4 · Command + Shift + 4、放開、再按 ...

在Mac 上拍攝截圖

在Mac 上拍攝截圖. 你可以擷取整個螢幕、單一視窗,或只擷取部分螢幕。 如何在Mac 上拍攝截圖. mac-take-screenshot-key-combo-diagram. 若要拍攝截圖,請同時按下這三 ...


2024年2月16日—Howdoyoutakeascreenshotofyourentirescreen?It'seasy!SimplyPressandholdShift+Command+3simultaneously,andyou'redone.,HowtotakeascreenshotonaMac.holddown,⌘command,and,shift,andpress,#3,=YourMaccapturestheentirescreenandsavesitasafileonthe ...,2023年2月27日—Pressingthe'Command','Shift'and'5'keys(allatthesametime),willbringupthescreen-capturewindow.Nexttoscreencaptureoptions, ...,2022...