How to use a GIF as an osu! Icon

Banner®,alsoknownasmyOKSTATEatOklahomaStateUniversity,isanenterpriseresourceplanning(ERP)systemthatintegratesandconsolidatestheuniversity ...,BanneristheenterpriseresourceplanningsystemimplementedatOklahomaStateUniversity.Bannercanbereachedatmy.o...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Banner - Human Resources

Banner®, also known as myOKSTATE at Oklahoma State University, is an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system that integrates and consolidates the university ...


Banner is the enterprise resource planning system implemented at Oklahoma State University. Banner can be reached at

[CUSTOM PROFILE BANNERS!] [username, osu! role, includes ...

I am working on some custom profile banners for players just because I thought it would be cool and new experience! These banners include a general color theme ...

MikasaSerket's Banner Collection · forum - Osu!

Here is a collection of animated banners that I have made for osu. I am open for requests just DM me as it's a lot easier to maintain who asked for what that ...

good quality bannerpics for profile · forum - osu!

I was wondering where all users of osu take their banners or just pictures for profile in good quality?? im mostly interested in banners so ill be glad if ...

Free Custom skinProfile banner · forum | osu!

There are plenty of threads that offer services such as banners/avatars for free, however for skins thats a big jump on the effort scale so don' ...

Adding a Banner

Banner images should be approximately 910px wide and no taller than 400px. Large (high resolution) image files may cause a delay in pages loading.

Banner | Technology

Ellucian Banner (often referred to as Banner) is an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system designed specifically for higher education institutions.

osu! userpage banner tutorial : rosugame

I will be showing you how to make your very own cute anime girl animated banner using photoshop. Follow these quick and easy steps then you'll be on your way ...


Banner®,alsoknownasmyOKSTATEatOklahomaStateUniversity,isanenterpriseresourceplanning(ERP)systemthatintegratesandconsolidatestheuniversity ...,,IamworkingonsomecustomprofilebannersforplayersjustbecauseIthoughtitwouldbecoolandnewexperience!Thesebannersincludeageneralcolortheme ...,H...