
outline-width - CSS

The outline-width CSS property specifies the thickness of an element's outline. What's an outline? An outline is a line that is drawn around ...

outline-width - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets

The CSS outline-width property sets the thickness of an element's outline. An outline is a line that is drawn around an element, ...

outline - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets - MDN Web Docs

<'outline-width'>. Sets the thickness of the outline. Defaults to medium if absent. See outline-width . <'outline-style'>. Sets the style of ...

CSS outline width not working

I am trying to set outline width of the input element on focus. Outline width stays the same (like it is default setting which can not be changed), no matter ...

輪廓outline - CSS 教學

輪廓是一種會出現在元素「邊框外緣」的一種「裝飾線條」,具有不佔空間又不受限矩形的特性,這篇教學會介紹控制輪廓樣式的outline、outline-style、outline-width 和outline- ...

outline-width - Borders

Use outline or outline- <number> utilities like outline-2 and outline-4 to set the width of an element's outline.

CSS outline-width 属性

定义和用法. outline-width 属性设置元素整个轮廓的宽度,只有当轮廓样式不是none 时,这个宽度才会起作用。如果样式为none,宽度实际上会重置为0。不允许设置负长度值。

CSS outline-width Property

The outline-width specifies the width of an outline. Note: Always declare the outline-style property before the outline-width property. An element must ...

CSS Outline Width

The outline-width property specifies the width of the outline, and can have one of the following values: thin (typically 1px); medium (typically 3px) ...


Theoutline-widthCSSpropertyspecifiesthethicknessofanelement'soutline.What'sanoutline?Anoutlineisalinethatisdrawnaround ...,TheCSSoutline-widthpropertysetsthethicknessofanelement'soutline.Anoutlineisalinethatisdrawnaroundanelement, ...,<'outline-width'>.Setsthethicknessoftheoutline.Defaultstomediumifabsent.Seeoutline-width.<'outline-style'>.Setsthestyleof ...,Iamtryingtosetoutlinewi...