
4天前·tooextremeandnotsuitable,ordemandingtoomuchattentionoreffort,especiallyinanuncontrolledway:wayoverthetopIthoughtthe ...,4天前·OVERTHETOPtranslate:太過頭;太過分.LearnmoreintheCambridgeEnglish-ChinesetraditionalDictionary.,Adjective·(idiomati...。參考影片的文章的如下:


OVER THE TOP | English meaning

4 天前 · too extreme and not suitable, or demanding too much attention or effort, especially in an uncontrolled way: way over the top I thought the ...

OVER THE TOP in Traditional Chinese

4 天前 · OVER THE TOP translate: 太過頭;太過分. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Chinese traditional Dictionary.

over the top

Adjective · (idiomatic) Bold; beyond normal, expected, or reasonable limits; outrageous. Synonyms: excessive, exaggerated, OTT, too much · (communication) ...

生活片語》有人說Over the top不是指在上面,而有這個負面意思…

1.over the top。Over指「在…之上」,the top是「最高點」,合起來是超過了最高點。意思就是「要求太多,過頭了,太誇大」。2.On top of the world字面是 ...

OVER-THE-TOP definition and meaning

over the top in American English · 1. over the front of a trench, as in attacking · 2. exceeding the assigned quota or goal · 3. Informal. beyond ...

OVER THE TOP Definition & Meaning

Over the top is often used to describe people, things, or behavior that is unbelievable or excessive. Test audiences for George Clooney's historical drama 'Good ...

Over The Top的意思

And we do things also that are a little over the top because we have to fight with music, sometimes dialogue. 我們也會刻意做得比較過頭一些,因為不能被音樂蓋過去, ...


remarks, behaviour etc that are over-the-top are so extreme or unreasonable that they seem stupid or offensive

OVER-THE-TOP Definition & Meaning - Merriam

The meaning of OVER-THE-TOP is extremely or excessively flamboyant or outrageous. How to use over-the-top in a sentence.

Over-the-top - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms

When something's over-the-top, it's a little outrageous. Definitions of over-the-top. adjective. far more than usual or expected.


4天前·tooextremeandnotsuitable,ordemandingtoomuchattentionoreffort,especiallyinanuncontrolledway:wayoverthetopIthoughtthe ...,4天前·OVERTHETOPtranslate:太過頭;太過分.LearnmoreintheCambridgeEnglish-ChinesetraditionalDictionary.,Adjective·(idiomatic)Bold;beyondnormal,expected,orreasonablelimits;outrageous.Synonyms:excessive,exaggerated,OTT,toomuch·(communication) ...,1.overthetop。Over指「在…之...