With --readd, ovs-ofctl adds all the flows from file, even those that exist with the same actions, cookie, and timeout in switch. In OpenFlow 1.0 and 1.1, re- ...
3. Manual Flow Installation with Open vSwitch
Step 1 Log-in to your slab environment: ; Step 2 Run the help command for ovs-ofctl: ; Step 3 Start a simple topology on Mininet without any reference controllers ... Adding a Simple Flow · Match Action Flows · Port Forwarding Flow Entry
ovs-ofctl(8) - Linux manual page
With --readd, ovs-ofctl adds all the flows from file, even those that exist with the same actions, cookie, and timeout in switch. In OpenFlow 1.0 and 1.1, re- ...
ovs-ofctl add
ovs-ofctl add-flow <bridge> dl_dst=<mac>,actions=<action>. Add a flow with the match field dl_dst that matches an Ethernet destination address.
Glen SDN
Secure:OVS沒有連到Controller時,OVS就不會自己加flow。 更改MTU (數字為你想要的MTU大小). ovs-vsctl set int br0 mtu_request=1400.