
評分4.6(38)·免費·iOS簡介.Netflix會員獨享。卡梅拉高中的一群同學本來正在享受歡樂派對夜,卻遇見始料未及的超自然現象。跟隨這款以敘事為主軸的驚悚遊戲,前往陰森裂隙中一探究竟,揭開其中 ...,評分4.4(147)·免費·iOSThisappisavailableonlyontheAppStoreforiPho...。參考影片的文章的如下:


在App Store 上的「OXENFREE: Netflix Edition」

評分 4.6 (38) · 免費 · iOS 簡介. Netflix 會員獨享。 卡梅拉高中的一群同學本來正在享受歡樂派對夜,卻遇見始料未及的超自然現象。跟隨這款以敘事為主軸的驚悚遊戲,前往陰森裂隙中一探究竟,揭開其中 ...

OXENFREE: Netflix Edition on the App Store

評分 4.4 (147) · 免費 · iOS This app is available only on the App Store for iPhone and iPad. OXENFREE: Netflix Edition 12+. A horror adventure story. Netflix, Inc. 4.4 • ...

《OXENFREE》- 遊戲支援

可在Linux、macOS、Nintendo Switch、PS4 和PS5、Windows PC、Xbox One 和 ... 如需其他平台的系統需求與下載資訊,請前往Night School Studio 網站上的[OXENFREE]。


OXENFREE is a supernatural thriller about a group of friends who unwittingly open a ghostly rift. Play as Alex, a bright, rebellious teenager.

Oxenfree Archives - Mac OSX Apps & Games Download

Oxenfree 2.7.1 – A supernatural thriller game. Oxenfree is a supernatural thriller about a group of friends who unwittingly open a ghostly rift. Play as Alex ...

Oxenfree for Mac

評分 6/10 (1) Download latest version of Oxenfree. An adventure game which incorporates a gripping plot, time-travel, horror and decision making to help you unveil a ...

Download Oxenfree for Mac

評分 6/10 (1) An adventure game which incorporates a gripping plot, time-travel, horror and decision making to help you unveil a mystery and impact the final ending.

Oxenfree for Mac

評分 8/10 (1) · 免費 · Mac OS Oxenfree for Mac, free and safe download. Oxenfree latest version: Live the teen-horror. Mixing teen drama, ghosts, and time-travel, Oxenfree makes fo.


供應中 · 《Oxenfree》是款超自然驚悚懸疑遊戲,講述一群好友無意間開啟詭異時空裂縫的故事。您將扮演一位陽光且叛逆的青少女艾利克斯(Alex),與她的新任繼兄喬納 ...

Oxenfree on Steam

評分 4.5 (9,225) Oxenfree is a supernatural thriller about a group of friends who unwittingly open a ghostly rift. Play as Alex, a bright, rebellious teenager who brings her new ...


評分4.6(38)·免費·iOS簡介.Netflix會員獨享。卡梅拉高中的一群同學本來正在享受歡樂派對夜,卻遇見始料未及的超自然現象。跟隨這款以敘事為主軸的驚悚遊戲,前往陰森裂隙中一探究竟,揭開其中 ...,評分4.4(147)·免費·iOSThisappisavailableonlyontheAppStoreforiPhoneandiPad.OXENFREE:NetflixEdition12+.Ahorroradventurestory.Netflix,Inc.4.4• ...,可在Linux、macOS、NintendoSwitch、PS4和PS5、WindowsPC、XboxOne和...如...